My vagina (and sometimes anus) itches, but I don't hold any bumps or anything.?

what could be the problem?

Could i have TSS? im 13 and?

It could be a bake rash from the electric fire weather. A yeast infection also from the heat and wearing underwear.
Possibly you didn't wipe economically enough.
Or it could be an std.
Either bearing if the itching continues you should go to the doctor and own it checked out.

Why do my secretions smell resembling onions??

common problem. it is from dark sweaty areas, use vagisil anti itch cream

Is at hand such a thing as?

You inevitability to give more details! I stingy you could just be a really bad wiper within the bathroom.

Does the itching happen up to that time and around your period? Do you enjoy cold sores on your lips or own you had HSV1 for several years? Do you enjoy bad smelling discharge? It couild be anything.

What cause the strange buzzing in the vagina area?

Maybe your soap is cause an allergic reaction? Try switching soaps and see if the problem go away. If not I'd go to the doctor

Please minister to!?

Sounds like an infection. It can be easier said than done to tell bacterial from yeast. It would be best to see a doctor.

Help! Quickly! I am so panicky!?

I think it have something to do with your vag's ph and the semen's ph.

I suffer from pimples after shaving !!?

i take it too when i done wipe carefully. Bacteria stays around here causing it to be itchy . Next time you poop, receive a moist towellette ancd clean around within. for now, capture hydrocortizone cream for antii itching. Its very frothy and helps profoundly so the itching doesnt get wore and leaves bumps

An embarassing problem? Any back here?

Well the best person to ask this ask would be a doc, but since i volunteered to attempt to answer your question I'll try. I regard it could be the type of undergarment you're wearing.They should be cotton and nothing else. Or are you using some sensitive of feminine stuff like powders or wipe. Does this happen frequently? If so you should check out a Geno/Oby to be on repugnance safe side

No period,,and confused?

mild yeast infection

even if your vagina is the correct pH and has the right antibodies inside it to prevent a yeast infection, you can still receive yeast on the outside, if it is a moist enough environment.

Where can i receive a pap smear thats free and confidential?

yeast infection.

Why are you required to have at lowest possible one child to be eligible to use an IUD birth control method?

You should go to the Dr. for exam. you also nouns like u hold some bad behaviour that need correcting. Why toilet quality newspaper?

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