Any women out here ever had to enjoy a hysteroscopy test can you agree to me no?

you have a ultrasound and a trans-vaginal scan first and later few days after a hysteroscopy test if any one have can you tell me what they do and what it is resembling i have to enjoy one and are a bit worried about it

Terrible baggage of PMS?

I had one second year. Went in hospital for 8am have it done under a nonspecific anaesthetic. I did start to bleed after with last about a week to ten light of day. The procedure was ok it's a small optic camara go into the womb to have a look round. I come home at lunch time. I felt fine after give or take a few two days. I ended up have to have another minor operation a few months then to put right what was wrong

I am 12 years old-fashioned and i haven't started my period however?

Hi there ... I have one done 3 years ago ... I was fully concious no nonspecific anaesthetic ... It was really uncomfortable but not too bleak ... I went on to hav a radica hysterectomy due to uterine cancer ... Good luck!!

Does the your largeness reveal that you have short or long legs?

I've have a trans-vaginal scan, uterine biopsy (which was a short time uncomfortable and a hysteroscopy. The hysteroscopy is perfomed lower than general anaesthetic at my hospital. There be a little bit of oil lamp bleeding and cramps afterwards, but nothing too bleak and certainly zilch to worry in the order of.
Good luck.

Body Talk image?

Hysteroscopy can be done beneath general anaesthetic or short, it depends why you are having it done. Worry cause tension and stiffness causes muscles to tighten. Its complex but you need to discuss your worries beside your surgeon or nurse consultant and decide which is best for you.
You may be worried in the order of outcome as well and this can basis you to be worried and stressed. Sometimes the not knowing is worst than the knowing.
You are an individual with individual wants discuss this with your clinical squad and good luck!

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