Does it hurt when u get kicked in the balls?

or if you gain slapped really complex contained by the nards

Can skipping construct you infertile?

I've HEARD it "KILLS!"

How accurate is birth control?


Somebody HELP! I'm really anxious!!?

what sort of a press's that, yes logically it's tremendously tight

How do i lose weightiness?

yea, why do you presume that guys other bend over contained by spasm and cant speak when they return with hit?

how is stds started?

im a girl, but i DO know that it really hurts. trust me, i see my guy friends within the nuts adjectives the time. haha. very well yeah, what sensitive of quiz IS that!?

bleeding section two?

It's sort of unexpected. I close to to reflect that a guys ball are connected to every system of the body. When a guy get hit within, everything is artificial. He loses his breath (lungs), it's a shock (heart), nearby's a ton of torment (nerves), depending on how tricky he is hit, he could carry dizzy (brain), he is pretty much rendered frail (immune). Plus, that's our pride right here. We could receive babies next to these tools....the moral.......DON'T HIT A GUY IN THE BALLS!!

Has anyones period changed after getting tubes tied?

gettin' kicked in the nuts is extremely raw. what species of a stupid interrogate is this

Question almost women helth!?

The backache that comes to the lower stomach after a hit contained by the nads is WORSE than giving birth!

Personal. please assistance?

Oh not at adjectives. That is why men take them when hit and lay down and vomit and groan and moan. They are have a GREAT time.
It is also why they transmit women who are attackied by men to knees them within the groin so that the attacker will thank them and hold a great time rolling on the ground anguished.
Dumb put somebody through the mill!

Plan B; Emergency Contraceptive?

yes it is. i kicked my friend once and he fell to the ground. they be numb.

What is an atypical age when starting the term?

Why is a guy asking this in Women's Health? Women don't own testicles.

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