Constant breakthrough bleeding..Jet Black & Brown discharge.. please read, I need counsel!?

Okay.. so I started a new birth control 3 months ago (Loestrin 24 FE) and ever since I started it, I hold had seriously of breakthrough bleeding and too many spotting days. Recently.. close to in former times 4 days.. (One week prior to expected period date) I am have a weird discharge. In the foundation it was khaki brown & spots of black.. sometimes surrounded by clumps.. Now this morning I woke up and it was approaching a huge amount of jet black fluid.. No blood.. not that I can see.. Should I be worried? Does anyone have a clue of what this mysterious black gooey is? I mean I pretty much know breakthrough/spotting but this feel completely different.

Will I be pregnant?

Just a suggestion...I would probably talk to a OBGYN roughly speaking really sounds like a mess and I wouldn't trust anyone on here for medical warning...

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go to the doctors

Help! emotions freaking out!?

I would switch birth control. Even if in that is no reason to madness, is that really how you want to live?

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thaz naaasssty

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old blood turns black, so that is probable what the discharge is. Your symptoms are reminicent of endometriosis, you may with to consult a gynecologist.

GIRLS NEED SOME SUGGESTIONS!! how can i bring in my cramps stop or so i wont get em as impossible THANKS?

umm thats not good. budge to the doctors asap. !

Period or not?

can I just read aloud, and Im really not trying to delibrately be rude or nasty, but why the hell can you not of late make a doctors appointment, even if someone on here have a suspicion it may be something, your not gonna definately know. seriously people.!!

I'm on the pill and don't want to hold my period when I dance on vacation.?

maybe you should nickname your dr.

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Honestly, I have no indisputable advice bar go to your gyno soon. He/She would best know what is going on.

Yeast infection?

I've never hear of a black liquid - are you sure it wasn't poop? Call your ob/gyn and receive yourself on a new birth control pill/patch/shot/ring. You don't hold to tolerate breakthrough bleeding. I went stale of Seasonale because of so much breakthrough bleeding it wasn't even worth it.

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Go to the womanly doctor immediately. If I be you I'd stay off the pill for at tiniest a month or so, with the doctor's consent. Once that's over near you could start a new different one.

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