Monthly cycle? Make it end shorter...?

I hate mortal on the cycle,cramps and stuff.
That's the only time I need I was a guy,lol.
Is here anything I can do to make the cycle final for less days except do/take those drugs that is ment for the cycle within particular to one and only last for approaching 3 days?
(I don't like to give somebody a lift any medicine or drugs).

Thank you surrounded by advance.

Can u still bring back pregnant is u have this?

Nothing organic will work.

Seasonale has a pill that let you have individual four periods a year.

Can any one be pregnent for anal sex? and what are the benefits of anal sex?

Other than hormonal control, in attendance's little you can do. Sorry.

What is the best food to eat during length time? I feel markedly hungry?


I've been spotting for two days immediately but still no period whats wrong?

going on regular birth control (even if you're not have sex) can give you smaller amount periods. my friend wasnt have sex but she went on birth control anyways.

I hang on to spotting between periods is something wrong next to me?

no hun im sorry

Regular birth control user, abnormal period?

If your not willing to appropriate any birth control then in attendance really isn't anything you can do about your spell. Birth control pills (low hormone) usually makes your term last 2 to 3 days near a very street lamp flow. Its great! i get no cramps or bloating and just about any flow! i recommend using birth control!

Is it normal for women to hold hair on near chest? and like around here nipples?

There is no natural agency to shorten the span of your period's cycle, but birth control pills categorically help. I use them sometimes. It regulates my cycle and it doesn't concluding nearly as long, which is fantastic because periods are unsophisticatedly hell. LOL.

It's safe too, especially considering doctor's recommend it.

Good luck!

Women singular please: lingering dirty reaction..?

if you dont take medication, you are SOL. the birth control pill would be excellent for this

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