Will I be pregnant?

My bf and I had sex first time short unprotected on March 17. Next day, I get cramp in my stomach...and I get browish discharge.. Isn't it a sign that I am pregnant? FYI, my last length was March 12 or 13.

I purely started this new bc pill and im spotting but no extent ?

Was this the first day of your time of year or the last? Is your time regular? All of this matters because if your period are regular & you count from the first day of your term, you should be ovulating around day 14.

Sweetie I know he is your boyfriend, but you should NEVER own unprotected sex. I am a nurse & I have see some of the healthiest. best looking people enjoy STD's & HIV without ever even knowing it. BE CAREFUL!!

Been here past?

No, that doesnt show you are pregnant, dont worry.


no, but bring a home test purely in armour.

My vagina (and sometimes anus) itches, but I don't have any bumps or anything.?

No, this doesn't necessarily be set to your pregnant. Take a home test or if your really worried see your doctor.

Pube (excess hair)?

the brownish discharge be probalbly just blood from breaking the hymen seize a home pregnancy test if u are worried 14 days after your term u are more likely to receive pregnant cause you are more fertile subsequent time use protection theres lots of fun doms and lubes out there... be safe unabashed

Does any one here have low self -esteem?

You have sex for the first time, you are fine. Don't worry around it unless you miss your period surrounded by April, and next time use protection, and achieve on birth control, unless you want a baby in a minute.

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