Sex for the first time, want relief please?

My boyfriend and I are both going to have sex for the first time, I need some comfort because he doesn't exactly know what he's doing either. We both know what to do... but ... does he have to verbs out before he cums, even with a condom? Or can he ***, and still verbs or will that get me pregnant if some sperm seeps through?

Any other guidance would be great too... I just want to have out of danger sex and not get pregnant...

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Condoms are the best way to prevent pregnancy as resourcefully as diseases but i would also use a vaginal foam in-case the condom breaks, to be safe. You just never know what might take place.

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No hunnie, with a condom you can still carry on while he ejaculate, he doesn't need to "pull out" as you're protected next to a condom, and it can't "seep" thru they're totally protected.
The only way you could receive pregnant is if the condom splits which it won't if you put it on gently and right.

Just take sex slowly as this is your 1st time. form it special and make sure it feels right!

Then travel to the doctors and go on the contraception pill for extra protection..

Enjoy :)

My boyfriend and I enjoy intercourse alot...?

i guess it seems approaching you really want to do i will just advise you beside what i know! MAKE SURE he actualy does know how to wear a condom properly..let him read all of the instructions on the pack before putting it'll be worth it! also make sure zilch sharp touches the condom... Another thing, if he has the condom on, he does NOT enjoy to pull out. nothing will shift inside or outside of you. he will just "bust" in the condom and he can verbs.Sperm does NOT seep through if he has a condom on, and probability that it will break is not likely. Im glad that your at least trying to practice undisruptive sex, but honestly, does not sound like your prepared...Either way darling, I hope my answer help you! If you have more questions be aware of free to e-mail me as well =)
Good luck to the both of you, and also do not expect it to be very pleasurable the first time ;) *Hope I Helped*

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He'll hold to be gentle and use a lubricant that won't affect the type of condom you use.

The chances of getting pregnant on your first time is slim but it does surface.

Whatever you do, WEAR a condom, bcuz even if he thinks he's pulled out in time to avoid the big splash, in attendance are often smaller less perceptible 'splashes' that allow sperm to sort it way to a waiting egg and're pregnant.

Have fun but be safe.

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Well the first and most momentous thing is to make sure that if he does use a condom, he uses it properly and get the right size depending on his size. The last thing you have need of is a broken condom. Whatever you do, don't use Magnums. They are all hype and break easily. More women hold become pregnant after their partner used Magnums than any other condom. The risk is reduced if the guy pulls out right before he comes or a short time after but not while he is coming.

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I would speak to still pull out. My friend just have a kid about a year ago and he was have sex for his first time to and the condom broke. There is like only a 1 within 500 chance of that happening but it can. So if I be you I would still tell him to pull out only to be safe!

*Female Question* Best answer 10pts :D?

even if u have condom, he should verbs out just to be direct to let yourself express, u should find ur both different "buttons".. i mean he is a guy, so he have at least some sexual instincts...he will express himself once the time comes, even if he says that he will struggle..

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seaman will not trickle through a condom. He does not need to pull out out. The condom will hold the seaman, thats what its for.
Your vagina is a temple, with the sole purpose share it with some one who is very deeply worthy; who loves you and thinks you are a goddess.

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no sex is the best safe sex out nearby. getting the bed wet will do just fine. if you two don't know what to do than you two shouldn't be doing it at adjectives. if there is ever a question than you shouldn't be doing it.

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you dont call for to pull out if your wearing a condom. but he should pull out after he cums so the tip of the condom doesnt break after getting jam-packed.

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he's allowed to ***.
it wont touch you because the condom is there to stop it from seeping through.
an he should verbs out after because if he cums second time round it could get full an break

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it ok for him to *** it stays in the condom put in the picture him to take his time when going in your vagina it might hurt somewhat but joy of sex will take over your body

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He doesn't enjoy to pull out, condoms keep the sperm surrounded by, thats what they are for...

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He should pull out when he cums and should put on a new one incase it brakes

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even if it does break through, you enjoy a good chance you won't. soak up!

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