When can you return with pregnant during your cycle?

And please don't tell me anytime, becuase you can merely get pregnant when you own an egg relesed and it is in your body. Please confirm, oblige me understand afternoon one through 28 and when the ovulation normally come?

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The first day of your cycle is the first hours of daylight of your period. If you count 14 days from the first day of your extent that is usually the time when you ovulate, but every body is different and this may swing by a day or two depending on if you own a 28 day cycle of not. You can share when you ovulate by taking your temperature every daytime (I think the most accurate agency is to get a basal thermometer which is a vaginal thermometer). Your temp should be going on for the same until you will draw from a small drop and then a spike the subsequent day or so. When it spikes this is when you are ovulating. Another easier agency to tell is if you quality your discharge. It is more slippery when you are fertile. It will be much more slimy and will string if you put some between your first finger and thumb and then verbs them apart.
It is true that sperm can live in your body for up to a week (the average is more or less 5 days) but it depends on the man, just resembling the exact time your egg drops depends on the woman.
The egg needs to be fertilized in a day or two of dropping. But again depending on the women it can drop tardy or early and can oscillate significantly, depending on the woman's typical cycle length, stress factors, medication, virus, and whether she is just coming past its sell-by date hormonal contraception.

I have achived pregnancy and also avoided pregnancy using the Fertility Awareness and Rhythm method above. Look it up to swot up more, it will teach you alot in the region of your cycle. It is complex and you have to know your cycle really very well and track it daily...
If you aren't prepared for a newborn I hugely recommend using another back up method to prevent. (When I be doing this method I was married and didnn't want ot bring hormones but i didn't mind if we got pregnant on disaster.) The thing is that really you can seize pregnant anytime... your body can drop eggs when its not supposed to, and mens sperm can live longer than they are supposed to. You hear stories all the time going on for how it happens despite the probability. I have have it happen to me too, I get pregnant when there should own been no means of access I would be fertile, but then miscarried. Oh and since I was learned on fertility, I made the same mistake of thinking I ovulated more or less 14 days AFTER you finish your period. Well guess what, the condom broke and I still get pregnant because that is wrong. Your cycle starts on the time your period starts. There is no 100% on this and depending soley on this (or any one method) to prevent getting pregnant is not a great perception if you aren't ready for it to not work! Rhythm method have a high failer rate because population can easily do it wrong or not realize their cycle is rotten or dont account for how stress factor, medication, illness can effect your cycle and throw it rotten.

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Days 14-18, but it's true that you can receive pregnant at any time during your cycle because sperm can live for up to 5 days inside your body.

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there is a two sunshine window (ovulation) and it is something like two weeks after you finish your period. but hold in mind that semen can live in your body for up to a week. you can communicate when you are ovulation by your tempature, it will go up. so help yourself to you tempature everyday and when it goes up by a point or so, then you are probably ovulating.

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you can procure pregnant at anytime


IMPORTANT : sometimes u have more than one egg .. i plan like when you attain non-identical twins ..they are the result of two separate eggs ...so care that sometimes u produce more than egg and one may remain even when u enjoy the M.P. ..so u can get pregnant even though u get rid of the rest of the eggs !!

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Day 1 is the first day after your term is over. for two weeks you go through proliferation of the inner wall. gist that it gets built for accepting the fertile sperm and egg. this first phase (1-14 days) can be deeply very fluctuating. stress can make this interval longer or shorter. ovulation occur es on sunshine 14. meaning your ovaries release one egg that travels down to your uterus. You can very soon become pregnant till day 20 or 23. If the egg does not fertilize, consequently the wall will collapse and your period starts. Having said adjectives the above, there is other a possibility of getting pregnant. My ex got pregnant when she be in middle of her extent.

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