Urinary tract infection?

I suffer from recurring UTI (badly at times) especially after intercourse (not all the time though). My boyfriend lives in another city and a moment ago recently when I raise this issue, I was told that he'd have yeast infection. The last time we saw respectively other he told me that the doctor had given me this emulsion to treat his yeast infection. I had never ever have yeast infection. Should I be suspicious?


Coming soon?

Yeast infection is commonly caused by the fungi Candida, which can be considered as human middle-of-the-road flora (normal existing microorganisms found on human body). Yeast overgrowth happens when a personage's immunity is lowered. Even though yeast infection can be transmitted through sex, I don't believe you entail to be suspicious.
Also, if he's been doing something he shouldn't hold and getting the infection, I doubt that he'll tell you so truthfully =)

What does it aim?

This is the reason you should look for men beside clean customs ..

Cyst, birthcontrol, Pregnant?

try drinking cramberry juice for a few days, its worthy for urinary track

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Yeast infection is a very adjectives infection to get, and a woman will return with at least one during her go. The way to treat is next to antifungal medicines similar to Monistat but if you suspect that you may have one next you need to see your dr for them to evaluate the situation. If you muse you got this from your boyfriend and yes it can be passed around the partner please see your dr to find out for sure if you have a yeast infection.

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no pretext to worry, sometimes antibiotics can crust a yeast infection my advise would be drink cranberry liquid for the UTI and eat yogurt for yeast it really does wonders. well-mannered luck love

I am going to a camp, I will be swimming in a mere a lot. What if 'it' comes again?

Usually a yeast infection is from a woman and can be passed to a masculine during intercourse,you could use otc creams to get rid of it .Shell is also right antibiotics can end in yeast and do eat yogurt plus it have calcium for womens bones.

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I don't muse you should be suspicious. Although it can be caused by sexual nouns the most common inflict in men is antibiotics and diabetes. Also update him not to use condoms that has nonoxynol-9.

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I do not cogitate so. He could have sit in swim trunks for too long he could hold grown a yeast-like mold. Kind of like athletes foot mold. If you think you enjoy a yeast infection, go to your gynocologist. They will check you and tender you the proper treatment. Sorry to hear about your medical problem, though. Sometimes (not always) when I use this gspot vibe, afterward I take this feeling resembling I have a uti and it take an hour or two to go away. Maybe it is purely one of those things some ppl get.

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A yeast infection can come from several things, not cleaning well, not wipe properly, having anal intercourse. Ask him what are his accomplishments prior to getting his infections.

But UTI can be caused from need of water, intake too much salt. and a a mixture of of other things.

Flavored condoms. Are they as good as regular OTC?

For women who suffer from UTI after intercourse, most doctors today (its be so for years actually) prescribe taking one antibiotic pill before or right after intercourse as a preventive consider. Once this problem is settled the possibility that your boyfriend has the infection from any having intercourse near another woman or because of his medical condition requires you just one article, to use protection. He needs to use a condom this agency you can prevent any further complications. Good luck.

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