What does it expect if your going to "obtain your cloth soon"?


What do i do if i start my interval at military camp??

Ask any 10 year old boy and he can tell you... in a minute you don't know? How old are you as they teach this surrounded by school.

Please help? I am afraid of my period! Is it on its way?

It means you're going to capture your period soon. being "on the rag" refers to the rag that women used to use as pads.

No answers from the doc all the same?

It means you'll be getting your time of year soon.

Help me I tlak contained by my DANG SLEEP!!?

Period! YAYA...NOT!

What is a really pious and straightforward style for a girl to masturbate and not freshly the boring ways that everyone does.?

your period

I know i basically asked this but i inevitability answers!?!?!?!?

You are about to own a period

Period problems?

What if I've repeatedly taken 2 birth control piils a afternoon.?
Boob artifice!!?
I be raped by my husbands brother, im terrified to notify my husband, should i?
  • Why is here blood...?
  • What r the signs of getting boobs?

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