SHAVING on armpits and legs?

Well I recently started shaving my legs but I hold seen ladies winding up up aith nasty legs and little hair please how can I avoid this and I have be shaving my arm pits for like 3 years but I shave and like day i hold littl gross nasty bumps and red results and even a tad bit hair and the subsequent day i hold to shave again but I want smooth armpits I know that plucking doesnt work I tried but what can I do!

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Nair & Veet work well if your not contained by a hurry for your legs. You could always try wax your armpits as well. Shaving isn't a honourable idea, especially shaving above the knees because the hairs will grow within oddly losing your knee (it really doesn't look nice) I hope this help. :)

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Use Nair it works good

HELP!! length problems?

try using nair

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Try waxing your pits...

Help Urgent PLZ Girls single Answer This!?!?!!?!?

Never shave! If you shave one then you coat grows stronger and you finally have to shave nearly every time.

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Why don't you try wax better. Or Veet or nair for your legs and waxing only for your armpits??

Girls personal question?

I devise nair works great, but WARNING: IT SMELLS SOOOO BAD!!!!!!!!! if you want to use a rasor: make sure that you shave your legs IN the shower! soap (i use dove body dust ) works very powerfully to keep bumps from appearing I own a light blue venus blade that works GREAT.

I think she overreacted?

make sure you use a correct shaving cream..and a good blade. Be sure you are getting all the nouns of your armpits and legs.

or you could use nair or something..that works good too.

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Shaving is a never finish battle unless you seize them waxed or lasered. The average personage just shaves though. I shave my armpits almost everyday, thats ordinary, if you want to discourage the bumps, use a cream and a new blade. And instead of going against or the opposite direction that your coat is growing...go next to it, it will decrease the bumps. Good luck

Please Help?

I own the same problem, so i know what you denote! and then i get a better razor, that help some but not tons, I've also heard Nair and veet hurt so i don't know if i would try that. But getting a better blade was my best bet!

Can any one email me and enlighten me about your first time?

Nair, Veet - these are good and don't motivation bumps(but have a abnormal smell)

Lasers- Awesome but Super expensive

Wax-hurts but keeps you smooth

razors-take your time and use lots of lotion after to save away bumps and always use a polite razor Venus is honourable don't ever use an old blade or one that's rusted
(intuition is really good for beginners because it have the soap already on it which means you don't involve shaving cream and keeps you really smooth!)

the red bumps will be in motion away if you get a really honourable deo. that has lotioon within it to heal the broken skin, dont pluck it don't that resembling really hurt?

Good Luck!

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Nair burns!! and thoroughly badly sometimes... i would say-so shave every other day instead of every light of day and use lotion afterwords.. nothing near scents or anything, a short time ago the plainest lotion you have to support with the iritation

Help me please?

Waxing is great. The fleece does grows back prominently, but is softer and smoother - much less irritation, so you shouldn't carry the nasty bumps and red results that you do with shaving. It last longer too. If your hair is night, trying permanent curls removal. It is more expensive and you will have to stir back at most minuscule 5 or 6 times (one session per month) before adjectives the hair is removed, but after it's gone for good! Laser is best. It is prickly and will be inflammed after each treatment, but with the sole purpose for a short time. Sessions simply last roughly 15 minutes on average.

The only problem next to laser is that you cannot shave/pluck or wax between each session, so you will be stuck next to little, growing hairs during that time.

Electrolysis is a longer process and longer session - it will solely work on hairs i.e. 'growing' at the time of treatment and the result is not as immediate as wax or laser.

Instead SoftCup,Have you tried it did it work?

you could try the waxing technique or purely put up with it resembling we do. The bumps maybe from your soap or deodorant try shifting those to see if it helps. Plus when we are babyish hair grows resembling crazy everywhere! :)

DIEING TO KNOW: What weight should I be at?

waxing ,its best

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