Why do women enjoy to suffer through period?
Answers: No female should ever enjoy to suffer through her period. See a doctor, preferably feminine as they are more sympathetic, and get on some medication (birth control pills) that will make life span so much more bearable. My youngest daughter used to have such unpromising cramps that she would lay down on the floor, curl up into a ball and only cry. We got her on birth control pills and she have never regreted it.
its just enthusiasm. how it is.
kinda sucks Because thats how are bodys are! do u never want to have a tot?
its actually a polite thing because short you period your not competent to get pregnet. DON"T wory you not alone. everyone across the sphere gets their term. your not alone. though it might be painful sometimes your not alone!
hope this help! you dont need to suffer.period let you own babies, and um sex for women is supposidly much better than it is for men .our orgasms are more intense, we experience pleasure on a higher lvl etc so thats something they dont own.i dont think my length is all that desperate...maybe if yours is shameful you should see a doctor
BC MEN DO ALL THE EASY STUFF SO NOW WOMEN HAVE TO SUFFER AND DO ALL THE HARD STUFF!! the same justification why we have to suffer from everything else that get chucked at us through life.
cuz men are "superior" to women so i hear! bs