Day or dark?

i finally started my birth control. my doctor told me that if i wanted, i could bring the pill at night past i go to bed or when i stir up. i figured i'd lift it at night so i wouldn't hold an upset stomach throughout the day. i lately told my friend that i was going on it. she asked me at what time of the light of day i was taking it and i told her. she told me that taking it at dark doesn't really help that much because it with the sole purpose stays in yoru system for 8 hours. it get me a little worried. does the birth control work merely as well if i would enjoy taken it in the morning.

Ladies plz helpperiod?

Take it whenever works best for you and what will be easiest to remember. If that's at dark then give somebody a lift it at night. It is equally as efficient regarless of when you take it. The side effects approaching nausea will fade with time. I purloin mine at noon everyday because explicitly the most convenient for me. :)

What do you think?

is your friend a dr? save,,,,,i would just heed my material dr.'s words!

Sweat Problem!?

You can take your birth control any time of light of day but you should take it at indistinguishable time every day. It doesn't event if you take it every dark, if that is what is most convenient for you. You'll still own the same stratum of safety as if you be taking it every morning.

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The key to the b/c pill is a short time ago taking it at the same time everyday. It can be easier said than done to remember everyday. To solve this problem, I set an alarm on my cell phone to go sour at the same time everyday. I other carry my pills within my purse, so no matter where on earth I am, I can take it.

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If the pill last for only 8 hours, you'd enjoy to take more than one a hours of daylight. Your friend is mistaken. You're fine as long as you take your pill everyday around the same time no event what time that may be.

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it doesnt matter when you nick it as long as you take it at impossible to tell apart time everyday. if you dont take it at equal time, your hormones get messed up, and after it stops working.

I need back!?

Most pills last 24 hours and you are supposed to pocket them at the same time every daylight. You should call your doctor and ask only just to make sure, though.
By the method, i'm sure you already know this, but like I mentioned above, sort sure you take the pill at alike time every day. You said you lug it right before you move about to sleep, but you could be going to sleep at a different time every night. For this common sense, I also think taking it in the morning is a horrible thought, because one day you might get up up at 8, and the next year you could wake up at 10 or 11, and by this time your egg could enjoy descended. So just cause sure you choose a time that you're sure you will be able to whip the pill at every day :)

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