Can somebody backing me, the interrogate is almost period [girls individual to answer please]?

well, ive been looking on here nearly the symptoms of starting your period, and i think ive have some discharge for about 2-3 months now, some white sticky stuff + ive be bloated, had stomach cramps in the lower division of my stomach, ive has headaches, intuition down, been moody quite alot, be argumentative, different emotions + breast tenderness.

can somebody facilitate me, to let me know if this is the start of me starting to pms?

email back, thankfulness.

Bump..what could it be?

sure does sould like it. :)

I am 36 and the Drs told me i could never distribute birth.?

It could be, but then moods and emotion are all a part of going through puberty. That also go with the discharge. By experience, I had no signs, I a moment ago woke up one morning and had my period.

It def could be a sign but in recent times remember, the best thing is to see a doc, especially if your cramping and have headache. Better to be safe than sorry.

Is it regular to bleed when I'm not on my length?

i think you will start deeply soon. I just got my first extent about 4 days ago. you might get cramps and for your first extent you will probably have light pink blood, and it most promising won't last long. If you think you own started ask your mom she will know. Good Luck

How long will sex hurt for?

Heckk yessss lol,
you may have a few more months, but you better start putting pads or tampons surrounded by your purse.
(pads are better to start with though)
hope that helpsss!

Can anyone give support to?...?

probably. If you are between 10-15 it probably is.
try this hun.

Is it usual to experience dissiness and vomiting after going through 3 wiks seizure surrounded by scrape the uterus?

Does the cervical cancer/gardasil shot hurt? does it hurt as much as the flu shot?

i feel equal way your in the impulsive stages of your period keep some pad in your purse or in your locker if u enjoy one!

OMG the 1st time after?

you should soon be a woman.


i feel your pain.

period suck!

I lost my pack of birth control pills. My sister and i thieve matching brand. Is it okay if i borrowed two ?

Is my hymen torned or be it a ordinary bleeding??
If you took plan b, even though it be resembling not even an hour after can you still draw from pregnant?
Bacterial infection?
  • I am worried nearly my length!!
  • How long does your time concluding?

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