Can you masterbate after have an abortion?

they tell you no sex or touching of the vagina, but can you masterbate near your clitoris 5 days or so after the procedure?


If you feel you must, sheesh. Thanks for sharing!

Your boyfriend is a legitimate jackass if he's teasing you. Both of you should be more concerned in the order of not getting pregnant in the first place rather than committing murder.


your vagina will slop off if u hold one, and god will frown on you :(

When conceived?

Okay you just kill a little personage and you're wondering about pleasing yourself. Why can't you freakin passageway a while? People like you take home me sick! Yea, call the doctor and ask, believe me, they'll be horrified by this put somebody through the mill. They'll think you're a freak! Sounds close to you are!! The whole organization will be laughing!
Brad---thanks for the input, but she's on here and asked. Maybe some self control and she wouldn't have be getting an abortion in the first place. Omniscient? What's that--it's not in the webster...

What can I do about nightime snacking?

Okay.I've have an abortion and how can you even WANT to masturbate.

I was perm. turned past its sell-by date for 2 months.

I think you stipulation to keep your hormones surrounded by check atleast until your recovery time.

My bf mum said my face is getting a bit fatter?

you really hold to wait a long time. Your organs own just gone through AN EXTREMELY brutal procedure and call for lots of rest. by stimulating your clitoris you are casuing extreme amounts of muscle and organ contraction and blood flow. Its like getting an apendectamy and taking a biddable 2 mile run 5 days later. ring the doctor and ask for the exact date which you can masturbate (dont feel embaressed something like this masturbation is VERY healthy and doctors know that you know this) ^-^ dutiful luck, and im glad your procedure went resourcefully!

Damalulu -- judging is not that right track to do things. have you have an abortion? are you in her shoes? No one is aloud to intermediary because no one is sound. you can give guidance and thats where your voice for others ends! an view, unless you are omnicient? then step for it.

Steralisation, hysterography, d & c?

Your Dr. should have told you all along time to refrain (or you should hold asked). An abortion is a traumatic procedure, and the area might be scratchy or raw. If you are too shy to ask your Dr. but quality you must, at least generate sure that everything is as sterile as possible to reduce any haphazard of infection, if there's any throbbing or discomfort stop. But it's best to consult with your Dr.

Help I'm Horny?

I have a sneaking suspicion that it's pretty damn ridiculous that people are responding to this press the way they are. Freak? I niggardly, it takes someone who is completely insecure and shallow to regard as being someone on a decision they enjoy made. Everyone is different and deals near things differently. I think it is justifiable to be turned on because your body is still incredibly hormonal. People who have an abortion can be completely confident beside their decision and not doubt it at adjectives. That doesn't make them wrong surrounded by anyway. If you are pro-life, that's your decision. Don't enjoy an abortion. But don't judge someone else for what they get the impression is right. You sound tremendously dumb doing so.


don't u let him pressure you surrounded by to anything you don't want to do ok hun

EMERGENCY!! HELP!! what should i do?

There is nothing wron gwith masterbation...I say aloud yes go for it only was your hand and don't actually put them inside the vagina...purely rub your clit and you'll be fine...I have done it after an abortion formerly...and believe it or not it will actually support with cramps....

Bleeding after sex?

If the dr. have given you a timeline then you should follow it.

If you're unsure, later call and ask.

Excersizing on my spell?

Listen to your body, if you feel similar to you're cramping then stop. The general public that posted actual answers sound pretty believable to me but you should always check next to a doctor if you're unsure or things just don't surface "right".
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