How do you hold on to track of period?

I got my first period closing April when I was 13. Now that I just turned 14, I still don't really know how I am supposed to hold track of when it is supposed to come. Please help!
please don't say I am stupid that I don't know this or something approaching that

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Get a calendar and mark an "x" in respectively day that you are bleeding. Pretty soon, you'll see a pattern. Each woman is slightly different. Like, my interval comes about every 24 days, and my best friend gets her's every 30 days. You can in reality download some off the internet... try Some women only notate the first sunshine of their periods, which is fine too. But since you haven't had abundant periods, this will help you see how long your last each month.

I don't really keep track similar to that anymore since I'm so in tune with my body presently, I can just tell when I'm roughly to start. The last time I tracked my periods be when I was trying to get pregnant- it's crucial to know exactly when you're period is due for that!

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It's very simple! draw from a little pocket clendar and circle the days you bleed and leave the days you don't blank. when i be 13 i suffered from heavy and light bleeding and sometimes desperate pain and in the begining my dr didn't really believe me... so i also get a little pocket diary and if i had cumbersome bleeding with pain i'd rate the stomach-ache from one to ten being the worst. and i kept a record of it and when i see the doctor they believed me and done tests.
i still keep a calendar and a diary produce if i notice a change contained by my cycle i can go back on date for the dr and it makes it easier to explain than having to remember.

Just remember too anyone on here can put in the picture you expect this day or that but everyone's body is different you might have a short cycle (days between bleeding) but you may be lucky and own a long cycle. a short cycle is for me before say 20 days from the end day of my period, a long cycle for me is voice 28 days which is classed by most as normal. Your normal will be within around 3 to 4 months when you keep track and form a pattern. i also work it out as days ON (bleeding) and days OFF (not bleeding)

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Take the first hours of daylight of your period and count that as day one. So if you started April 19th consequently you would be on day 7 (April 25th). It's really easy once you find started doing it but remember that you haven't had your period for massively long so it's easy to be irregular so don't freak if it doesn't come every 28 or 32 or whatever days.

Good Luck.

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There is no such article as a stupid question and good for you for asking.write down on a personal calander the first sunshine of your period each month. You can find wall or pocket/purse calanders only about anywhere. Its a very well brought-up idea to keep track of them. As you be in motion in for your first physical with the doctor, thats one of the first things you will be asked..."what be the first day of your last term."
I hope this helps.

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you should keep track of your time of year. and you should keep track of the first day that it comes and how long it last. your menstral cycle actually starts on the first day of your interval not the last. your period might pilfer up to a year to get regular so keeping track is a good entry.

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first of all, i think you're smart for asking.
you a moment ago mark the day on the calendar when you start and consequently when it ends. and hopefully your periods are regular so you will know after 4 weeks that you're gonna start.

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i use this site it helps you to hold track of everything. and learn the symptoms that your body has for getting your time of year and ovulating etc. taught me a lot!!

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Well you term is not going to be normal since you just get it. Just remeber it comes every month. It will start getting normal after a few years, mine still isnt normal. Good luck hun hope i help :)

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starting at the last day of your length count how many days it takes untill the first hours of daylight of your next period.. it will other be around about the same amount of days between respectively one each time every month.

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i mark mine on my calendar next to a little 'p.' You should be getting your period every month... but since you're just 14, it will take some time for your body to regulate..

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WELL.get your own personal calendar to hold track mark them on a date when you get them! i hope that help and then calculate the math on how long it be till you got your next one!

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starting at the first sunshine or ure last period count until you go and get ure next perion it should b almost the same every month... i procure mine every 28 days

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