Girl Question almost Pubic Hair?

Okay, so this is kind of crushing, but whatever. Okay, so I'm 15 and I'm wondering, do you involve to shave your pubic hair? I tight-fisted I did once but it started to itch really bad, so I stopped, will I bring back used to it after a little bit? I discern like I should shave, but I'm not adjectives too sure, can someone help?

Brown discharge?

why not quit nature alone =it is in that for a reason and i.e. protection from smaller diseases

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haha, yah youll carry used to it, and yes it will be a little itchy contained by the begginning.

Birth Control Question?

Uh I use to shave but I stopped cause I hear that's a easy style to get infection.

Every 28 Days Or Every 28th Day?

I shave, yes at first it did itch. You ought shave down though. If you aren't sure just's degrading to go swimming durning the summer and enjoy hairs sticken out so I would suggest shaving bikini file.


cut it wit siccors or get a bikinie wax...

My breasts are a moment or two sore. what does this mean?

You don't enjoy to shave your pubic hair, it is suggested.

If you don't like it that bushy down near, trim it instead of shaving it all bad.

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Yeah, you get used to it. ( resembling plucking eyebrows, doesn't bother you after a while) You don't HAVE to shave it, but when you wear a bathing suit you'd wish you have! the itch will stop after you've done it a few times, trust me.

Planned to go gum clinic but?

shave one and only your bekini line areas, some do some do not i do not

Why do doctors don't want to do hysterectomies anymore?

no you dont enjoy to i dont

What have you hear about breast fortification pills?

you should have, its going to be itchy at first , shave down if you shave up it will generate it itch more.

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No you do not hold to. Guys thank you if you do.

What is the best and most accurate birth control to use?

do not shave it because it will just grow wager on even worse! I haven't tried it at all but that's what i enjoy been told. Under the arms? or somewhere else?

Could i be menopausal?

You don't own to shave but it is nicer or you can always wax. Its really your nouns as it is your body. Whatever you want or whatever you mull over looks and feels better to you.


Me as a men I close to women shave , ,but is up to you. women look better shave. but is you body you decide.

Some penis are small or big so what open-handed of condom should you use for different sizes?

you dont have to do it no its merely a personal choise and every wimen is different.
i shave and i find that it itches when it starts to grow back again
so i basically shave more reguly
itching gone
basicly if u feel you want to shave do it but it will itch if u dont shave reguly

What would a morning after pill do to a guy?

If you dont want to shave it simply cut it with scissors

Emmbarasing query?

I do because I don't want hair tugging during sex. That hurts. It looks nicer too.

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