Period for a time postponed...have protected sex...?

ok. i had protected sex on the 9th of Jan. and i know i method is 100% decisive.. but we used a condom and spermicide. so..anyways according to my usual cycle i should have started on the 15th, but i didn't. and i am still waiting. i hold had profusely of stress lately.. i moved out of my house and back surrounded by and its been terribly hectic. but i am also having cramps and my obverse is breaking out.. like it does when i start my term. i'm sure this is all terribly confusing but i just necessitate some advice. idk if i'm a short time ago psyching myself out or what. please help beside what you think this problem is most attributed to. gratefulness soo much..

Answers:    Same thing happen to me. You're stressed so your period will be unsettled. You're not stressed. Mine skipped a month after two years of being regular on it when I moved to college. I be freakin' out and even bought a preggers test, but trust me, it's of late stress. You're not preggers or anything.
It's most likely lately the stress and your body undergoing it. If you verbs to not start you should buy a home pregnancy test. They're cheap and you can achieve them at just nearly any store. If it's negative, homily to a professional.

Good luck!
probably the stress, when i do plays i dont get my interval because i feel more stress. in recent times do something soothing to calm down. work out, read, sew anything to carry your mind off it. Take a home tryout. They're cheap and it's good to know!

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