My 9 yr old daughter is have a period?! lend a hand please?

times are tough for us now and i cant travel to a doctor now
im sure there are things i can do for her to help
please narrate me what i do to help her

Please follow and help me?

okay supply pad NO TAMPONS. tell her its majority and everything is okay. make sure she take warm baths, and does everything as she would normaly do. collaborate to her about what happen during puberty. no need for a doctor by the mode. make sure she wash down near the vagina. everything will be fine a moment ago comfort her and give her information.

Really really worried girls lone please?

Are you completely positive it's a period? If it plainly is a period, after it's time for the "talk". There's nothing else to it.


all you enjoy to do is get her a box of pad and show her how to use them. Getting your period doesn't require a doctor.

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Theres such a entity as a free clinic, if times are really tough go to this. If you cogitate theres something wrong with her, don't sacrifice the welfare of your daughter for money. But at hand is probably nothing wrong near her, periods are supposed to arise at ages 9-16, so she's probably lucky and is going to be the first one of her friends to get boobs. LUCKY!

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Although young, to be exact within the average age range for her to set off having a term. She does not need to see a doctor, near's nothing wrong :) Simply sit her down and explain that this is a mundane thing that adjectives women go through. Stock her up near plenty of "supplies" that she has unproblematic access to(pads, junior tampons, pantiliners, pain relievers, heat pad/hot water bottle). Tell her if she wishes anything, advice or period-related things, she can come to you. Good luck :)

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you dont want a doctor for a period only sit her down and give her the bargain it is commen for younger girls to start earlyif u think its discouraging then stir 2 a doctor

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Get her some pad. Tell her that she is a grown up now. you can attain the cheap kind of wad but i reccomend Always

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i get the message how you feel. my daughter started her time of year when she was 10. i have the talk next to her before she turned ten. after it happend, i just chitchat to her about it. she is 12 very soon and i will ask her every month are you doing ok? and she know what i mean and she will make clear to me. it will get easier i promise. its pure.

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Well hun if times are tough financially all you have to do is want public assistance and see if someone in your family circle can help u out. My kids are on Medicaid and if u perceive that she needs to see a dr that would be the best entry. But I know a parent that is surrounded by the same boat as you and they have to seek medical assistance for their daughter too because of lay offs so hun know that you aren't alone. I hope u attain the help soon oh also chat to the school nurse at her conservatory and see what other means you inevitability to do in demand to help her. See if at hand is a free clinic around you area that can see GYN patients. If not see more or less your local Health Department they will see GYN patients and also see if u qualify for low income assistance from them. I hope u get relieve soon hun.

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Is at hand a free health string that you can call (we hold that and there are nurses to answer questions). Perhaps stir to a health nurse at college (with or without your daughter) and attain info on this for her and anything you can do to help her. Good luck!

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I don't personally guess u need to budge to the doc. u are the perfect entity to assist her. I think communication is knob. let her know whats going on next to her body and let her know this is everyday. I had a friend that started her interval at 9 and she coped very resourcefully. Her mom taught her something like how to change her time, the whole 9.if she experiencing cramping gain her some meds asap cuz I'm sure that would be horrible. also u may feel she infantile but in some form she wants to be informed about how this in a minute means she could probably hold kids etc etc. they don't have well brought-up sex education within the schools so it have to come from home.I hope this helps and don't verbs

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Honey first off silence down. A period is a intuitive normal point that every girl goes through eventually. There is no basis to go to the doctor. Go to the store and buy Always Ultra Thins Slender. They are made for infantile women and are a great beginner wad since they are made smaller. Tell her they need to be changed more or less every 4 hours. Explain to you daughter that she is not sick or dying.and that it is normal Tell her that from in a minute on once a month for 4-6 days she is going to bleed. All that means is that her body is maturing into a woman and that if she be to have sex she could get hold of pregnant.and to never let a boy touch her privates next to his privates. I know she is little and may not understand the unharmed gist of sex but the privates touching privates seems to work at this age. as she get older she may own other questions permit her know she can always homily to you no matter how degrading it may seem to be. In the long run she will be glad that you took the time to explain things to her and give her the true facts rather than the lies she may hear at university

,y g/f her tummy hurts lower like more of a sharp dull pain?

girls are starting sooner these days. progress to the drug store and buy the box.

Help?!?girls only Qabout period?

I'm betting your a single Dad. A Mom would know, since she's btdt.

You must know some woman, somewhere, with whom you can broach the subject and hold her talk near your daughter. If nothing else, a educationalist or the school nurse. And in that are clinics; probably even Planned Parenthood.

Me? I'd even ask a strange (but attractive) woman in the supermarket. She'll even think it's cute if you blush similar to a traffic light!

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i got my interval when i was 9. and im fine! =]

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No inevitability to go to the doctor. You will probably call for to sit down with her and chat to her explaining various aspects of this fresh time in her vivacity. Of coarse this will have to come after you step to the store and help her take some pads. Some girls freshly develop early and some next in their lives. Nothing really to verbs about unless within are totally abnormal things arranged also that she tells you more or less. Good Luck! :)

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If you are a single dad, I know how you feel. If you are not, I still comprehend. I am a single father raising five children, four boys and one girl. My wife died 13 years ago. It's not uncomplicated. My daughter is now 16. I remember when she be 13 and came to me near a "problem". She'd actually told her twin brother something like it first and she'd been paying him ten extra bucks to buy supplies for her for times past few months except that month he couldn't because he was away at military camp. Anyway, what resulted was one of the most awkward debate we ever had. Ever since next, we never talked going on for it again.

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I was nine when I have my period it is regular her body was freshly ready.

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Now a days, girls are initiation their periods much more rapidly. between 8 and 11 is what we learned contained by class. Its normal. Buy her some sanitary napkins show her how to hold care of her hygene during this time and in the next few months you should open getting her to an free clinic or the hospital can referr you to one to be examined make sure everything is ok.. Then she will not involve to be examined untill she becomes sexually busy or develop an infection. She doesnt require medical treatment for her period. your infant is growing up! :o)

Im going to camp soon!! facilitate!?

Getting her period is a mundane thing. She's for a time on the young side, but patently not too young. Buy some supplies for her and sit her down and bargain with her almost it. Remain calm. It's a unconscious part of duration. Answer her questions honestly, and did I mention that you should remain relaxing? :-) Good luck.

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