Is it possible to lose mass and still smoke marijuana?

I've been smoking marijuana for nearly a year and have also be an avid health-freak. I've gained almost 15 since I've started smoking, all because of the insatiable hunger following a smoking session. Is in that any way to avoid "the munchies"? Does anyone know of any appetite suppressants that would be of any use? Thanks contained by advance.

Birth control problem.?

I instinctively recommend hoodia, you can pick caplets of it at any GNC style store. Its an appitite suppressant, but there is no track to avoid the munchies. I am a regular smoker, three or so times a week, and I have lost ten pounds within the last two.

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drugs are impossible for u

I going to the doctor but I still have my term!?

After toking, just brush your teeth incessantly and the hunger will subside.

Does your belly ever quality funny before your start your time?

I'm sure theres a paradox in in that somewhere.

Im cramping but my cycle is yet to come onwhats wrong?

might want to compliment that pot next to some speed. :)

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Smoking and eating have nothing to do next to each other. Get up and do something else. You are probably a moment ago sitting around doing nothing. You don't involve any pills.

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dont do drugs...

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you only just have to exert a touch self control and not eat. or try munching on low round healthy (gross) snacks. you shouldn't pinch any stimulants while using marijuana. the MJ raises your heart rate-your heart rate could become scarily high within combination with a stimulant appetite stimulant.

I'm 16 years outmoded.Virgin?

...avid health freak and marijuana dont belong surrounded by the same sentence could stop smoking

Even infrequent maltreat can cause burning and stinging of the mouth and throat, normally accompanied by a heavily built cough. Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have lots of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do, such as day by day cough and phlegm production, more frequent acute chest illness, a heightened risk of lung infections, and a greater predilection to obstructed airways9. Smoking marijuana possibly increases the likelihood of developing cancer of the skipper or neck. A study comparing 173 cancer patients and 176 in shape individuals produced evidence that marijuana smoking doubled or tripled the risk of these cancers10.

Marijuana abuse also have the potential to promote cancer of the lungs and other parts of the respiratory tract because it contains irritants and carcinogens9,11. In fact, marijuana smoke contains 50 to 70 percent more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than does tobacco smoke12. It also induces soaring levels of an enzyme that converts indisputable hydrocarbons into their carcinogenic form—levels that may accelerate the change that ultimately produce malignant cells13. Marijuana users usually inhale more deeply and hold their breath longer than tobacco smokers do, which increases the lungs' exposure to carcinogenic smoke. These facts suggest that, puff for puff, smoking marijuana may be more toxic to the lungs than smoking tobacco.

False Symptoms?

bummer! well, if you know you're going to smoke, i suggest making unwanted items food totally inaccessible to you prior. drink a ton of water because it fill you up pretty well and contained by place of junk food try munching on fruit cocktail or brand name yourself a healthy smoothie. a friend of mine consent to me try one of those natural hoodia dietary supplements and it really worked. i wasn't hungry for most of the sunshine. when i used to smoke a lot i'd procure the hardcore munchies but i never gained any mass. you could attempt to do something active close to swimming while high or pinch a nice walk. i know it's complicated not to eat. but i really assume the smoothie idea will work. it'll preserve you occupied long plenty to have to cause one and they are filling and will also sustain out the cotton mouth. good luck!

I am suffering from hot flushes cant run HRT can any one help me?

hm i be smoking pot for it would b near ten years immediately, um wont b long and u just wont catch the munchies. i find now if I'm not smoking pot I'm putting bulk on, anther thing own a drink of milk after a sesh or jucie it will stop the munchies

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First of adjectives your a loser, If you want to loose weight STOP SMOKING YOU FAT MORON! If you smoke marijuana your not an avid health-freak, your an avid idiot! Just put down the pot and move about to the gym you ignorant dumb*ss!

Period Help?

That's wierd...I quit smoking pot so I could hand over my daughter a better life and apcked the weightiness! Don't worry though, I'm sure when you grow up you will tender up the weed.


There is nought that will really curb the "munchies." You can try gum but it doesn't really work. You may be able to convince yourself it does. You know that 15 will become 17 and next 21 and then 24 and after 27. You know that. Right?

Period or not?

That is illegal

What more or less polycystic ovaries?

Maybe you should try getting some healthier snack food. I other liked to drink M&M's, but decided to switch to stuff similar to banannas or peanuts. I'm not sure about you, but whenever I smoke I other feel resembling getting up and running around (which is good exercise). Then again though, my friends other say I'm unexpected like that. o.0

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