Really really worried girls with the sole purpose please?

why is it taking me so long to develop? i started puberty a year ago and i've been like peas in a pod bra size ever since but no periods nonetheless plzzzz help

HELP IM 14 AND I THINK IM PREGNANT?!?!?! please help?

You are 100% NORMAL.
All girls feel these emotion.
Just relax and let moral fibre take its course.
Believe me, you will look pay for at this time and wonder why you were contained by such a hurry to grow up!
Enjoy this time. You'll be a woman soon, but no need to rush these things.

How big is the mark from a myomectomy fibroid surgery?

when you start having a spell you'll start to see changes

I've have a tampon in for just about 2 hours and now I can't gain it out! It really hurts what should I do? HELP

it will come in time purely be pationt


everybody develops at a differnt pace, i shouldnt verbs, you will be a beautiful young-looking woman before you know it hun :)

xhope i help!X

Can i lose 10lbs within a month?

i am duplicate bra size as one of my friend who hardly have boobs and i have them dont verbs

I hope i am not the only one beside this problem,but why is it that i feel more sexual the time for my interval.?

don't worry...i started growing breasts when i be in the 5th order, and then a year after that i started my period. donate it time, everyone's bodies are different, and some mature faster than others.

Pms press?

every one grows at their own pace you are run of the mill (100% normal!)

OK i enjoy a shaving problem. I need some angelic advice. examine is below.?

you'll be alright dont worry

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