Can i own a kid if i hold polysystic ovarian syndrome...?
You will probably get it soon but it's not an exact science lol. 12 -13 is the typical age but it could develop to you as late as 15! You sound just about the right weight to get it. Yeah so it will probably come soon. Make sure your prepared beside pads and/or tampons just within case. But just delight in the time u have left in need it lol!Good luck!
Yes it should be. but, it realy depebds. Bring pads and tampons in your backpack! decision u the best of luck!
Severe migraines and the pill?
its probably just puberty. you probably will get your spell soon, but those arent the symptoms.good luck.
Developing a positive attitude?
Can you get hold of pregnant by have semen on your foot and going to the bathroom 30 minutes after that and wipe?
I entail relieve, what basically happend?
When you bear a birth control pill to be precise particular to fashion you gain counterweight, does that niggardly that it increases?