Help?!?...girls solitary Q...about period?

i have a realy strange length. it can be anyweres from 2-6 weeks apart and last for 3-8days.

up to that time my period I chomp through literaly 3x's as much as I normaly would... and I gain like 10 pounds... during my time of year its normal, but after im never hungry and drop roughly speaking 10-15 this normal?..and why does it occur?
((Im 14 and have have my period for give or take a few a year))

thanks for your time &&God bless

Help me shop for over the counter birth control please! =)?

Irregular period are common when you're babyish. Mine evened out a little as I get older, but they never really come *exactly* on year 28, usually a few earlier or subsequent.

The eating might be a sign of hormonal change right before your term. Lots of women crave chocolate. Some of the weight gain could be bloating too.

Every woman is different, so don't verbs, but if you feel you involve to see a gynecologist, you could do that if it will make you perceive better.

My tummy hurts Depo?

you still young, and ull catch an irregual period for at tiniest a year and a half, or more, but purely to be safe, run see ur doctor

PROBLEM?! why do i bleed?

Im the same approach and have be for years I only really munch through before my extent and then I enjoy to make myself devour. Its the hormones.

I am 42 years old and have a partial hysterectomy?

YOU SUCK!!! Why is it that other 14 year olds have their period but I don't?

Does eating meat near hormones really affect how fast/early you develop?

I also think you should shift see a doctor. You go from one extreme to the other.. I don`t know your doctor can suggest something (maybe a change within your diet by eating more fruits and vegetables..)

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