What can I do to soothe this horrible vaginal itching that I am have?


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If the itching is accompany with a discharge and a swollen vulva, you could enjoy a yeast infection.

Go to the doctor if you do or try a medication for yeast infections available in the drug store.

If it doesn't go away, it could be bacterial and requires antibiotics. But it sounds close to a yeast infection based on the brief information given.

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stop sleeping around, that might support.

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Go to the doctor you might have an infection.

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Miconazole 7 cream 2x/day for 7 days.

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Have you considered the fact that you might own a yeast infection?
Try cutting down on sugar and carbs (yeast is a living organism and feed off of those types of foods). I also recommend buying one of those yeast infection kit.
If none of this helps stop by your OBGYN.

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there are over the counter products that you can use to soothe femenine itch. If the cause is a yeast infection, getting something resembling monostat will help clear that up as okay as the itching.

What could be wrong?

Vagisil or for something more natural, try a lotion that have Tea Tree Oil in it.

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the itching can be caused by a little reasons, one human being a skin disorder such as eczema, which can sometimes only affect indisputable areas of the body. More likely though is that it is person caused by a sexually transmitted or a yeast infection, this can be serious and front to further complications, so your best bet is to go to your local doctor who can run some test and determine the cause.

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You probably have a yeast infection. There are remedies at the drug store, Monostat, etc. But you really should see your doctor or GYN.

Yogurt is prearranged to help prevent yeast infections if eat regularly. But if you already have the infection, it really won't do any correct to eat it presently. Unless you just want a yummy snack.

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Vagistat cream near aloe vera works well for an unexplainable itch. You could also append a cup of uncooked oats to a heat bath and soak within it for 30 minutes. Monistat works for yeast infections. Any other reason would probably be any bacterial vaginosis or an STD, and you'd need to see a gynecologist to treat it.
If you're have trouble with it because of shaving, you could apply some Vagistat cream or aloe vera gel to silence down the area.

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Sounds like a yeast infection. You can procure something over the counter. Also look for AZO yeast. It is a pill you take that help treat and prevent yeast infections. It would probably be best to go to your doctor and put together sure that is what it is though. If you haven't have one before and don't know what it is close to, it might not be that.

Good Luck!

Why does my vagina hurt?

It could be a vaginal yeast infection. Try yogurt, the plain kind. it soothes away problems next to that.

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