Is it ok to exercise when u have your period or should u rest during those days?


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as long as you feel ok to do it after do it! it won't hurt you...might make you for a moment more tired than usual but as long as your not bleeding severely (where you pass out from loss of blood) or not overly exhausted or contained by terrible stomach-ache from cramps. exercise actually will give support to get rid of your cramps because it releases endorphins in the brain which soothe torment.

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I come up with it's okay and sometimes it can eliviate the pain of cramping.

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You should defently stay active because if you dont cramps will get hold of worse.. or if u really don't want to stay active walk to a theme park or something to go and get your mind off of your time!
But yea u should exercuse

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Yes, it is great to excersise during your period because it help relieve/get rid of cramps.

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I always exercise during, it help the pain and cramping.

Women and men?

its ok to excercise its help stop the cramps and its good to excercise you dont requirement to skip out on anything but swimming you will have to wear a tampon but fairly then that its fine to excercise on your interval

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Exercise is recommended within fact.

In the days of elderly, it was exercise that help me get rid of cramps and especially the lower pay for pain. I would newly exercise them away! I can still stop lower back misery by exercising. Very cool, eh?

Just be sure to wear good spongy pads or tampons. Probably both. Exercise can come across to make you gush more.

Exercise is a right thing during period.

Just don't swim--tampons or not.

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It is not merely OK it is actually recommended to make less burdensome cramps.

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It may get you bleed more heavily but it might also help the cramping.

Period Question?

Definitely exercise! It alleviates cramps, and only just makes you consistency a whole lot better. Resting a moment ago makes you grain worse.

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As long as you be aware of up to it. Exercise can ease cramps.

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yea its fine i dont think itll hurt anything
but if u experience cramps (some lucky ppl dont) or any other syptoms later take some over the counter meds the afternoon before u expect ur spell (if ur period is predictable)
taking meds will brand it more comfortalble to work out
but exercising for 30 minutes and eating right is flawless for ya wether ur on ur period or not

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Of course it's ok to exercise when you are on your length! There is nothing that you generally do when you're not having your time of year that you can't do when you are having it. Just be sure to save yourself well hydrated while you are exercising...

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