Period put somebody through the mill.?

my period finished 2weeks ago.yesterday i got a unusual brownish discharge after having sex. i dont know, but it kinda freaked me out. it stopped for a while but afterwards it came posterior again today.any ideas on why this is up?

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It could be that while have intercourse, your partner hit your cervix. I have this crop up to me a lot after sex. Nothing to be worried roughly. However, if you start to experience heavy bleeding, blood clots, or severe discomfort, I would suggest you seek medical attention.

Do you approaching your period?

nothing merely normal spotting.don't verbs about it!

I've be having pains resembling my menstrual cycle but..?

it could be spotting? or he could have ripped you...gross i know but i could

I hold a major headache.?helpzzzzzzz?

call a doctor...i have that problem a few years ago...started out like yours, consequently progressed into full-blown period for over a month and a partially. Turned out it was fibroids. Good luck.

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I get this as powerfully. Mine is somewhat of a "side effect" from the birth control I am on (seasonale). Depending on where I am contained by my cycle, sex can trigger some brownish spotting. But even if you arent on the pill its probably nothing to verbs about, of late common spotting. Otherwise, nickname your GYN if it continues to concern you so you can put your mind at ease.

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its spotting, i have have the same entry happen to me.
I started douching after my period that will end the spotting.

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