IVF v Reversed Sterilisation (female) which has greater nouns rate?
Just wondering what has the most nouns
IVF or Reversed Sterilisation (female) clipped not cut
im talking %
Ive read IVF is tremendously low success but what if you hold no fertility problems other than sterilisation?
Dont know where on earth to start taking the pill on packet and when?!?
I can not give you % but IVF within this case would offer you a greater chance of conceiving. Why? Because when they budge in to reverse the tubal you still enjoy a great chance of building up more mutilation tissue which would cause further blockage, ectopic pregnancy ect.
I will convey you that most infertility specialist will want to remove your tubes for the simple reason of fluid perchance present in the tubes if this is the bag and you get pregnant consequently you run the risk of the tubes rupturing and this can be fatal to both you and the newborn.
Cost wise- I do believe the reverse is cheaper. With doing IVF you have to thieve the drugs, have the eggs harvest and of course the sperm donation. I hope this help you.