Im nervous, have sex first time?

and i hear it hurts terribly -ok im equipped for that...but... does it keep hurting for days after, or a soon as he pulls out it stops? i wanna knwo waht to be in place for? help. also rather embarrassed to show bare body.i mean im set, adn so is he... but the first timeis always shameful isnt it. anyone have kind stories please?

Is there a pill to stop a spell once ur on?


Do other women?

a) How old are you?
b) Read Stephen King's 'Carrie', as this have a section dealing beside these issues.

Girlies help?

if you are afraid, then you are untrained. wait.

Is nearby an age minimum for buying condoms?

i get my nob out on every possible instance so i dont get embarassed!

GIRL ask?

Your not ready even so because if you were you would ask more or less it all as it would crop up naturally and remember to use protection - dont listen to his stories, and no it doesn't hurt.

What are some "low-impact" job for a woman whos in her delayed 40's?

everyone is nervous the first time. of late be sweet and kind to respectively other. The pain is not doomed to failure, the 'tear' is only just felt.

Can strech results fade?

Firstly you do need to try to relax as much as possible. Does this guy know you've never have sex before? Just because you could use some lubricant. Thats not embarassing as it will get it feel better for both of you anyway.

It solely hurts initially when it first goes into you. As long as he isnt really hung, or rough during sex the agony will pass.

You may get the impression a bit sore after for the 1st 24 hours but nothing focal at all.

Just savour it! :)

Is it good to lose cargo?

It doesnt hurt as much as you are thinking it does and it only concluding until your body gets used to him. And if I be you I would make sure you have a condom and were on birth control to prevent any stds and an unwanted pregnancy. I would be worried roughly all of that next does it hurt

Can you diagnose me? women's trouble?

Showing a naked body should not be degrading. If you are embarrassed next you are NOT ready to enjoy sex. Sex does not hurt terribly the first time if you are both relaxed and okay lubricated. Also it should not hurt once it is over. Since you claim you will be embarrassed to be uncovered with your partner later skip sex and just hold time to be naked contained by front of each other in need any sex until you are comfortable with your in the buff bodies. Be sure you have taken adequate time to explore you own body so you know what does and doesn't feel angelic so you can guide your partner. For now skip the sex and obtain comfortable with respectively others body nude.

I got my period on 29th last month but again get it on 17th of this month (april) .Is it normal?

Sweetheart - it's different for different folks.

True, it did hurt a bit my first time, but that's because the 'hymen' isn't broken yet. There may be a moment or two blood, but don't worry in the order of that. Just make sure you are both lenient with respectively other.

Have some KY Jelly to hand, as this help you if you can't get showery enough.

I do hope you're both over the lawful age and that you truly are ready. Please, please, use protection and above adjectives - have fun. Take nurture.

Body Talk image?

sweets, if you are timorous and too embarrassed to show yourself to him, you're not completely in place. if he really loves you, he'll understand and he'll hang around until you are comfortable with everything entirely.

Lithium..what is it!!?

Here's a cheering story - if it was such a doomed to failure thing in attendance'd be none of us left. However, near are 6 billion people on the planet and the population is growing express so it can't be all that horrible.

Expect a short time bit of bleeding if you still have your hymen, and unless he's king dong you should be ok by tomorrow, if a moment or two sore.

I have my time of year and i am craving fried salty food but it is really deferred?

If the two of you are truly ready for this, next you will find that it is an enjoyable experience. Sometimes it can be a touch painful on entry but this will fade quickly and within may be a little blood but don't verbs about that any. Just be absolutely sure that you want this as economically as him. Don't do it just contained by case he might make tracks you if you don't. If he loves you he will wait until you are primed.

How do mammal females know to lactate?

The amount of pain is different for different society. Make sure that your both ready and over the age of 16 everything will flow easily, your body's will know what to do. If you do experience pain it won't finishing for long. As for your body, everyone has different shapes and sizes so don't be self conscience roughly it. Good luck and please make sure that you are primed for it..You may regret it when your older.

What are some symptoms of gettin pregneat?

well my first time i be soooooo scared! i be scared what he would have a sneaking suspicion that when he see me naked, but he made me perceive special. to be honest it does hurt for the first time but if he goes slow youll get hold of used to it and soon it wiil turn into pleasure. i was shocked because i fort the distress would be un bare competent but it isnt as bad as every one make out.

Menstrual cup?

my 1st time was a rape, so it hurt approaching anything. If you are that worried you are not ready. done correctly it is the most wonderfull article.

Does Secret Clinical Strength really work?

sex huts yes...

it hurts a lot more if you are apprehensive because your nervousness may incentive you to tense up and accordingly make it harder still for him to creep into..
you will litterally feel close to he is openeing you up and the more he pushes in the more pain you will quality untill you feel somthing distribute way...
from here onwards its still sore, but he will know how to move in and out of you.. stretching you bit by bit as he does this...
Just a dull twinge now...

and it will get on being a dul smarting the next morning too, but nought that at this stage you cant handle.. (",)

totally different story... both you and him wil find it almost impossible to hold penetration... he will bring hurt by queezing his willy in something that will not give approach, and you will just distraught up more and more and more because of the pain, and by doing this, you will a short time ago get more and more hurt..

Sweety i know that what i am saw now may enjoy scared the crap out of you , but contained by that case merely PLEASE REMEBER ----->>> RELAX RELAX RELAX!

further more, if you plan it, you will just bring in it more difficult for yourself because you will be putting yourself under adjectives this presure of getting it done with..

If you ponder tonight is the night, good for you, hope you enjoy the best experience ever, but, let it transpire naturally... if it looks similar to its not going to happen, agree to it be that way, if you get hold of scared, keep on fot another day, if it feel rushed, dont do it..

and i hope that the guy you are giving your bequest to really cares give or take a few you and knows how to appreciate it...

ps, mak esur eyou are raining enough too, coz if you are not raining enough, eina!! taht adjectives i say!

(",) (",) best wishes (",)(",)

My girlfriend is contained by hospital please read and letme know if she will be ok and if its my fault?

SEX ROCKS! ok it does hurt but just bout a day after and it may bleed a bit. I'm sure hes worried nearly his body too! when i did it 4 da first time, my boobs went really strange coz i be soo scared, u no approaching really firm, but if ur both ready consequently he'll be so supportive, and so should u to him.

Is This A Bad Idea?

i was so tense i was nearly sick, i have waited 24 years for the right one but every time i thought i be ready i would support out, i worried about everything be it going to hurt, would it fit, will i do it right absolutaly everything. Then one night after we have been toghether 2 and a partly months the time just feel right and i was relaxed and looking forward to it, thats when you know you are all set, i was still anxious but it didnt hurt partially as much as i expected. Make sure its with someone you are comfortable around and love it make it so much better.

Will diflucan affect my Birth Control?

it dosent have to hurt, only take things slowley and ask him to be markedly gentle,you will be fine merely so long as you are sure he time is right.dont forget contraception.

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