Hysterectomy sound out?

Has anyone had one and does it affect your sexual life span? My doctor told me that if a gene test comes wager on positive for a cancer gene in my uterus, that I should consider a hysterectomy. Cancer of the uterus is adjectives in my people. So, could you please tell me if I choose to enjoy this done how it will affect my life and my sexual vivacity. Thank you so much.

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Girl Question!!?

I'm so sorry you enjoy to go through this.

I have a large fibroid and have to have a hysterectomy. It does not affect my sex drive.

Can you be aware of your ovaries from the stomach area?

If its not a total hysterectomy i.e. your ovaries won't be removed, at hand is no danger your sex drive will be artificial. But, if the doctors decide that due to the cancer cell found they prefer to take out the ovaries too, that might diminish a bit your sex drive. So until you do not have adjectives the info, you can't really know.

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