Should I trust condoms?

I'm thinking about quitting the pill because of side effects (such as total loss of sex drive)

I guess I'll simply be using condoms but since I've always used the pill, I don't trust them as okay. I've heard stories of them breaking...

I took the morning after pill once and I never want to do that again!

What have been you experience beside condoms (any problems, accidents) ?

Also... are the 'sensitive'/thin condoms reliable? What are the most pleasurable and realiable type?

Thank you!

What causes breast distress?

No thay work better and no that don't break easy
me and my friends love playing with them i resembling to put
them on my feet or i put one on my skipper once and there tough to break so go for it.

Pregnancy. freaking out.?

Condoms are approaching 99. something % effective but trade name sure the experation date is good and you put it on right.But be in motion to a sex store they could probably help you more

I only got diagnosed beside low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion. Anyone have information on this?

Normal usage they are going on for 92-95% effective. But nearly 100% if you hindmost them up with a spermicide or foam.

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