Is this ordinary?

i am 11 and wear a 36 C!
have my period
exceptionally athletic
5ft 4 inches
very broad shoulders
weugh 135
does that sound ok 2 u?

Swimming + period?

If you close to your body that's all that matters, look after it, chomp through the right food, not too much corner shop rubbish, you sound beautiful pet.

I Cannot Believe This Just Freakin Happened!?

Wow, you are categorically not a late bloomer! You sound pretty common to me. Don't listen to Mark J. If you are very athletic, you must have plentifully of muscle. Muscle weighs 3 times as much as fat, so that's why you own a higher weight band.

Good option?

Sounds normal. All athletic people weigh more and that's fine. Muscle weigh more than fat. If you are still concerned about it, agree to your school nurse or a doctor. But you sound resembling a normal healthy girl.

What is the rationale of heavily built brak out on feminine face close to exema. is it true it is insufficiency of sex?

Absolutely correct! Just how you should be!

Im 21 years behind the times 5ft 8in and 28 weeks pregnant haveng a boy i be 105 lbs befor and in a minute im 138lbs is that alot?

it sounds bigger than normal.


youre fine dont worry youre of late maturing faster than others

Very discouraging jar?

about 10-15lbs overweight

Bladder infection?

Not sexually turned on but...?
I am worried give or take a few growing more?
Period wierdness? Is this middle-of-the-road?
  • I am confused nearly cyst?
  • Do u bleed when its your first time have sex?(girls only)?

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