If I skipped a placebo pill in my birth control pack, is that okay?

I own only skipped one pill. I hold one more daylight of placebo left up to that time my new month, and I started my time of year today.

Plus, if my period is still going on in two days, do I still start my investigational pack? Does my period stop in a day or two of starting the hormone pills again?

I'm on Yaz, and this is my first month. I haven't have any irregular bleeding or other inconvenient side effects.

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You transport one pill every single day. If you skip ANY of the white pills, it's fine. They don't contain hormones, they're freshly there to remind you to clutch you pills.

If you are still bleeding when it's time to start your next pack of pills, yes you still clutch the pills. This is how they prevent pregnancy...by preventing ovulation. So always appropriate your pills according to the instruction booklet that comes with every pack.

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If it really is a moment ago a placebo, then yes, it's fine to skip it. The placebo pills are at hand so that you can get into the obsession of taking a pill every day, regardless of whether you are supposed to bring a dose of the hormones that day.

I hope this help!

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yes its ok. i dont even thieve the placebo pills. i just dawdle until its time to take the subsequent pack. my period usually stops when i start taking the hormone pills again. yes. if you are suppose to start taking the hormone pills on a convinced day, after you should, even if you are on your period. the placebo pillls are newly "reminder" pills :)

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the placebo pills are lately sugar pills... all they do is hold on to you in the dependence of taking a pill every day
so if you skipped on of these it is totally ok... but still be concerned because you should never ever ever skip any of the other pills or you will have to shift off sex for a month to be safe and sound... so keep taking the sugar pills only just to stay in the need of a pill a day.. but dont verbs about this one

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yes its okay if you skip the final pills, but it depends on you but on day 29 you stipulation to start new set of pills. or ASAP. P.S. I hope you are taking your pills at equal time each time because if you are not you might get pregnant. I found this out twice

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thats fine, the placibos own nothing contained by them, most of the time i just stopp takeing the placebos when i obtain my period, next i keep track of when i have need of to start again.

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think about the definition of placebo and later ask yourself if this sugar pill doesn't do anything, why would it matter if i took it.

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