How do u no if ur boobs r goin 2 attain 2 big or not? im 14?
Why do us woman have to suffer?
you dont.u may get hold of ur traits from ur parents but they are never gonna be the same as ur mother;s,but at hand always is the randomness.
How can I loose my the fat past its sell-by date my stomach?
You never know... Some people finishing up with flat chests while some enjoy bodacious balloons. Sort of close to playing the lottery, only beside your genetics.Hope you take the kind you want!
There isn't some class of chart for you to look at. One way you might grasp an idea is to look at your mother and grandmother's chests. You might closing stages up like them. That suggestion did nothing for me, though. My mom and grandma's are small, but my sister and I are outstandingly well endowed!
Bleeding during and after sex? Is he hitting my cervix?
I would compare yours next to that of other girls your age, they will grow some more, but if you are bigger or smaller than average now, you will feasible remain bigger or smaller than what is average.