When a guy ejaculates in you.what is the white,gooey stuff that comes out later?

Answers:    That is his semen, which has biologically degraded some since he ejaculated. Semen is the fluid containing sperm. It is natural for some to leak out of you afterward..
You also need to learn about birth control, STDs, but just stay abstinent, until you are old enough to really handle it. Preferably after marriage, and one you can count on! Bless your heart. How old are you? If you don't already know the answer to this then you really shouldn't be having sex.

Find out about STD's and pregnancy - and talk to your school teachers about this.
seman, its a coating that keeps the sperm alive and gives them energy for there swim. when the man is done your prob talkin about a little bit of seman coming out which will contain sperm Are you serious!?!?!?!?

Are you 12 or something? .
Spermies. semen.
It's a mixture of his sperm and your ***. You...have got to be joking!.
Ha Ha .you are joking correct ? ***.
like.. how old are you?! Ummm...what goes up must come down...

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