When should I get my first term?!?!?!?
12, 13 in 1 daylight less than 2 months
107 pounds, 5ft. tall
Devoloping since a moment or two before 11, little smaller number than 32A
Pubic Hair: Yes
Underarm hair: A little, blonde tho.
Mom be 14 years old when she get it, but she was super skinny, 107ish.
Don't know what to do in the order of PCOS and the pill?
Lizzy, ok well im 13 and i weigh 93-96 pounds around nearby, and i just started similar to 2 weeks ago my mom started at 16 so yeah u prolly will get it soon you enjoy most signs. My best friend britt, well she is soooooo skinny and she get hers before me and i didnt focus that would happen but she have NO UNDERARM hair and zilch down there. I be surprised cuz i had more than she did but anyways im sure ull obtain ur soon. <33 good luck Lizzy!
Women beside bra sizes DD or better?
I got mine when I be 13. Everyone is different. You just attain it when you get it.Please HELP: Feeling undersized, clear discharge, very moodypregnant?
VERY true everyone get it at a different time Im 12 13 in 21 days and I get it a cople months ago im 5''6 trust ME U DONT WANT IT IT SUCKS!!Does your body burn any extra calories when u have your term?
You'll get it when you draw from it. Everyone is different.My buttock is very flathow can i lift it?
well, we're adjectives different so it varies. i get mine about 3 weeks earlier my 13th birthday (i'm still 13) and I'm 4'10" 90 lbs. if you're really concerned, talk to your doctor or mom in the order of it. good luck for when it comes!