I'm 14 turning 15 and still no extent...?

i'm oriental, does that affect when i get it? i've get the signs - discharge thing (for roughly speaking a year and a half), hair lower than arms, and in another place..and i'm sort of bigger than a "aa"..
my doctor say according to my growth i should have have it already and he'll give me to category 10 before he starts me on the pill...?

About Masturbating issue?

You're immaculately fine and extremely lucky. My youngest sister just get her period for the first time a few months ago and she is turning 16 subsequent week. My mom didn't start hers until she was 17...so you enjoy some time!! I wouldn't even think almost it...having it isn't exactly fun so your'e a lucky lucky girl. And size and adjectives that doesnt matter. My sister that JUST started her time was 5'9", have C cup breasts, and hair everywhere any woman have. So if it was regular for you it's normal for anyone. Hope that help a bit and you enjoy your freedom while you can! Good luck.

Do females viginas look different from female to female?

Don't verbs...it'll come. I think I get mine at 16. Enjoy not having it for immediately :)

What are some common reaction to birth control or staph infection?

dont worry matching thing happen 2 me. it'll come. dont worry :] apt luck x

Yeast infection?

your just a behind bloomer, don't worry you'll achieve it. ask your mom when she had hers. that's what i did.

I'm 13 and I have my first period 9 weeks ago. What happen? Why is there no more immediately?

Well no offence to your doctor, but stage etc doesn't always affect your period. Yes, most people start around 12/13 but some don't start until 18 - have an idea that yourself lucky - they're not nice things.

Can I skip my last week of Yasmin birth control and jump onto the next pack for no spell?

I wouldn't read into it too much. Girls get their term on average somewhere between 11- 16. Your body is probably just a short time slower on this.

What happens, biologically speaking, to a woman when she orgasms?

lucky you!

How hyperthyroidism affect the menstrual cycle?As i know it will make happen amenorrhea but how does it do so?

ur fine

What is the difference betwwn orgasm and ejaculation?

If you weigh less than 110 lbs and your body mass index is too low, you will not ovulate, so you will not have a time of year. Being very weaken is in mode, but it is not healthy for a babyish girl or woman to be too thin and it will interfere next to the body's natural cycles.

How come everyone think the pill[birth control] is used only for sex?

The average age when a girl get her period is usually something like 12.5 to 18 years old (usually around 2 years after breast development). If you are nearing age 15 and have not have your first period, please see your doctor in the region of it. This medical condition is called Amenorrhea.

Amenorrhea have many cause. Your doctor will begin an evaluation to find out why you enjoy not had your time. You may need to be referred to any a gynecologist or an adolescent tablets specialist.

Don't worry, newly go to the doctor and he'll report to you exactly what it is, everyone's development is different hun.

How can i procure rid of a yeast infection fast in need using the medicine?

do you devour much dairy? It's been shown that the hormones surrounded by milk products are responsible for girls getting their periods at 11 or 12. It would be interesting to know if you put away dairy...

Does eating chocolate when menstruating really trade name you feel better, or worse?

Give it time, womens bodies will verbs to develop until about the age of 19.

Mirena Removal - does it hurt??

Don't verbs it will come when you least expect it! so other carry a wad or tampon with you. My Mum be threatening to take me to the Dr. if I didn't go and get it by 15. It started in the middle of a movie and I have nothing beside me so be prepared. It sneaks up on you lol.

Wut does it mean when u start ur extent 3-4 days early?

I be 17 I know it sounds crazy right now...but enjoy it!

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