HELP! PLZ ANSWER! GURLS!(and guys)!!?


Hey girls, does this sound approaching anemia?

You're 11 years old? You don't obligation to lose weight. It's completely common for pre-teen girls to be "chubbier" than they want to be, whether your consignment is appropriate for your height or not. If you aren't jubilant with your shape freshly make sure you get through a healthy diet and acquire enough exercise (you want to break a sweat at least 3 times a week).

If you do want to look into strong eating I suggest that you check out the South Beach diet. Low solid, lots of protein, healthy carbs instead of unwell carbs (like sugar, white rice, white flour, white poatoes), and lots of fiber from healthy fruits and vegetables. At your age you entail to make sure you're getting ample calcium and protein. Your body is still growing. Take a multi-vitamin. If your period have started take a multi-vitamin next to Iron.

Make no mistake - if you go on an extreme diet or extreme exercising binges you can do lasting damage to your body and prevent proper nouns at a crucial stage.

And move your body girl! The biggest reason that nearby has be an increase in weight surrounded by children is lack of distraction. Turn off the tv and do something live - bike ride or skate or play sports or run. Or get "Dance Dance Revolution" and freshly MOVE!

You should be focusing on balance and moderation, not extremes. Eat things you know are able-bodied (low-fat milk and other dairy products, chicken, turkey, fish, lean cuts of meat, vegetables, fruit, whole wheat bread, baked chips, unbroken grain tortilla chips), avoid things you know are not glowing (soda, fried chips, candy, cookies, cake - you know what I'm talking about), and catch enough exercise. If you do these things than in smaller amount time than you would believe you will find that you have a body you can be optimistic with and proud of.

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no bearing are you overweight kiddo =get out there and delight in you life

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OMFG u r so skinny...if u wanna do somethin simple close to around ur hoola-hoop..if u want to do thigh..iono about that but n e instrument dont wory ui r so friends are at your height and they are more than more

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You are not overweight. If you are surrounded by shape weight have very little to do beside what you look like. For instance if you enjoy muscle you will weigh more than the girl who is the same size as you. If you are 100 pounds you are never overweight unless your 4 foot tall or below. If you feel approaching you look great then you do! Dont tolerate others tell you that your heavy or you should feel obese. If you want to eat improved I would stick with veggies and fruit and lean meat such as skinless boneless chicken breast. And stay away from sugar.

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Hell no your not overweight. Your weight is immaculately fine.

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That's a great weight to be at! You are sooo not overweight!

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no you are not fat.hehe you are skinny :D be merry

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if you look great, don't verbs. you can always report if someone is overweight from either solid or muscle. if you look great, its muscle. you're healthy! be glad

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there is no course you could be overweight. i wish i could weigh 101. a short time ago go out and wallow in life. dont infer so much about cargo.

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That''s the kind of thinking that will find u anorexic. Quit thinking that! You're right you look GREAT and weigh just roughly speaking right for your age and height. You hold to learn how to approaching yourself.

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I'm also 11! I don't imagine so. I'm about 95 pounds, no big business, about 4 ft 9 inches. I am fine in PE and i am fine beside myself. you're fine too.

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ayy u own the same problem as me...`im 5'2 and i counterbalance like 110 :S... i do look great though..skinny...but overweight...
what ive be doing is just rob walk and jump play at the park lol

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I wanna suggest you wish help. You are not overweight at adjectives. Talk to your parents, or someone at school, approaching a trusted teacher or something. You are far from overweight.

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YOU'RE 11 YEARS OLD!! Why surrounded by god's name are you worried in the region of your weight. You're not even grown all the same, eat able-bodied foods, don't diet and make sure you achieve exercise. Go out and be a kid, enjoy it while you still can.

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