How to operation with blemishes surrounded by strecth mark blemish tissue?

OK, so this is a bit off-color, sorry...
After the baby come along, I got stretch grades on the very top inside of my thighs.
There is presently a big old zit, that I thought I took aid of, just lifeless out and making me very humiliated.
Now, this happened once surrounded by another area of stretch red mark, and lasted three months!
Can anyone assistance me get rid of this?
PS, yes, I'm wearing lighter clothes for summer, so that's not it...
Thank you!

Is it true that if a womanly doesnt have sex for a long time, she will physically be virgin again?

You can try using triple antibiotic emulsion to help clear up the pimple. You should start to observe results in a couple days. If things still don't tuning after about a week I would recommend getting in touch beside your dr to see what they recommend.

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