Why is my wife gaining consignment?

I know, the easy answer is "she eat too much", but that can't be true. She works at a daycare (so, she does get some exercise chasing around adjectives the little terrors. I've worked a couple of days near and I am exhausted) and she usually has a partially of a school lunch or so (yes, partially of what a child eats) and then she usually eat a small meal when she get home. She has a couple of can of pop during the day, but no more than 2. So she get low calories, has a low exercise routine, but she is still putting on considerable consignment. She has be for some time and I know she isn't pregnant,so? Any suggestions? Hypothyroidism comes to mind, but I don't know. Diabetes has be kicked around, but other than that she hasn't have any other symptoms of that either. THanks for the support!!

Iud and pregnancy?

She probably isn't getting ENOUGH calories. Not eating adequate can slow your metabolism to the point of actually purchase weight, even if you ponder it's impossible. The body panics when it realize how little it's getting and stores everything it can that comes through. She needs to chomp through three, well-balanced meals a sunshine and be sure she's eating 1700-2000 calories a sunshine.

If the incorporates more foods into her daily time, and is getting the calories she needs, and is still achievement weight, she should see a doctor because it really well could be a medical issue, not a behavioral issue.

Colposcopy (not colonoscopy)?

have her turn to the doctor, they can run blood tests to see what is going on beside her.

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Sounds close to she's hitting the mary jane a little too much. She's lately got the munchies, man. Let that hog smoke!

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She's not drinking enough. She probably have a very poor diet. She could enjoy a hormone imbalance. (Though tow thyroid have many other symptoms besides consignment gain)
My opinion is she doesn't munch through proper meals, and probably greatly little protein, so her body does little more than store fat, fairly than burn it. A grown woman eating partially of what a child eats = unhygienic. She probably also eats deeply of sugar.

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She's got a few different issues going on here.

1.) She's displaying anorexic behaviors, by only ingestion "half a lunch" or a "small meal". When you regularly drink such a small amount, your body actually stores everything you consume as solid, and it can make you gain a significant amount of cargo.

2.) A "couple of cans" of pop is a lot of calories. Some as tons as 200, with the average person about 160. 2 or 3 can really incorporate up. Plus they're all loaded near sugar and have no nutritional advantage.

3.) Low exercise can lead to shipment gain, but I doubt that lack of exercise is cut of your wife's problems. However, going for a walk near her in the evenings could be considerate and romantic at the same time.

4.) If your wife is taking any genus of hormonal birth control that can lead to solidity gain.

5.) Some other potential culprits include:
Depression--have you noticed any change in her mood? Is she smaller quantity active? Less interested in things than she used to be?
Hypothyroidism-can head to substantial weight gain as all right. But she would be showing other symptoms as well. Constant tiredness, low sparkle, increased appetite. When my mom was first diagnosed she couldn't even find herself out of bed to take us to academy!
Diabetes--Is also a possibility. Increased thirst, more frequent trips to the bathroom and a sugary substance in the urine, "sweet" smelling odor,removal of energy, weightiness gain are all symptoms to look for. You might invest in a blood sugar monitor to check to see if her level are in the majority range.

There are a ton of other possibilities. She should see a clan doctor to have it checked out. If no medical inflict can be determined, a change contained by your wife's diet would probably be helpful. Eating several small, on the edge meals throughout the daylight, including breakfast, and cutting out the sugary sodas and switching to water(diet sodas increase appetite!) would probably be especially helpful, as would a correct in exercise conduct.

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