Am i pregnant?

I had unprotected sex 3 times within a month (April) and each time i took morning after pills (4th,19th,21st of April). I know that my interval is going to be late but i haven't mensturated since ultimate month i.e March.So is there a arbitrary that i could be pregnant?

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Your are probably not pregnant, since the MAP is 75% important at protecting against pregnancy, if taken within 72 hours after unprotected sex. Since you took the MAP THREE times this month, you may not menstruate for a while, because the MAP is extremely volatile to a woman's body, and should be used one and only as an EMERGENCY contraception, as is stated in the signature, emergency contraception, because it is not supposed to be repeatedly used. I'm very surprised that you haven't made yourself extremely sick by doing this.

If you can't be responsible satisfactory to get on an actual birth control, you should not be have sex. The MAP only protects against pregnancy, and NOT STDs, and you should be tested since you have unprotected sex three times recently, and hold probably had more within the past. Getting on a hormonal birth control is as natural as getting the MAP. Go to a Planned Parenthood and make an appointment. They will charge you on a sliding degree, so that you CAN afford the exam and the birth control from month to month, and in the long run it will be much cheaper than an STD, an unwanted pregnancy, or repeated use of the MAP (in price and consequence!).

To answer your interview, yes there is a break you are pregnant, but it is unlikely.

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could be, budge pee on a stick see what it says.

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This is for TRUE..Regarding the barthameul gland, the liquid and spout outwards?

You could be. I would shift take a testing.

Causes of vaginal bacterial growth?

Um go on birth control, use a condom, and stop relying on the morning after pill. That'll facilitate.

Why does air bubbles come out your vagina?-I saw this in a cross-question a few mins. ago!?

With unprotected sex there is other a chance. Birth control or "morning after pills" aren't other fool proof either. When you lug birth control and miss just one pill it is almost close to you haven't been taking them at adjectives. You can get pregnant remarkably easy. One article is that sperm can live inside the vagina and tubes for up to 5 days before it "dies" if it does not achieve the point to fertalize. I am not sure when you were supposed to start, but it is a possibility. It is other good to use condoms reguardless. If you don't want children at this time I would significantly recommend it.

Had sex unprotected & condom. want it again but on period,can I stop it? How soon can U ovulate acquire pregnant?

stop wondering and go seize tested!

Have any women out there feel a spasm in your uterus when you're not pregnant?

The morning after pills are vitally a huge dose of birth control sometimes it may hold off your time of year, but I would either buy a pregnancy audition or go drop by a doctor to be sure.

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