Eating disorders?

i think i might own an eating disorder. I dont really chomp through anything all daytime. i drink water mostly and chew gum constanly. I have a feeling guilty every time i eat something and dream up about what i can do to exercise it rotten. People make comments nearly how much weight i hold lost and my parents think i enjoy an eating disorder.


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You have need of to eat at least possible 1200 kcals a day a short time ago to in your brain and kidneys and other organs to function. If you don't devour...your organs die as they will shut down.

You need to ask yourself why you are adjectives yourself. Is it to get revenge on someone or some empire for being connote to you? Is it to get attention? Is it because everything else in your duration feels out of your control and this is something you CAN control?

Losing freight is a great long as it is done contained by a healthy style: diet and exercise. Not starvation. If you don't stop starving yourself, you are going to devastate your body.

If you are looking for control over your food...then do it by ingestion the proper foods. Control yourself to eat grilled meat and veggies and fresh fruits and "try" to not eat white sugars and processed foods. Then use that control to bring yourself to the gym 5 or 6 night a week to lift weights and do cardio. Also, put that control into upping your grades by controlling how much you study and trying to bring back into a great school.

Control is great if you use it sagely. Starvation is not wise.


honey step see a doctor, or just start drinking, cuz if u wait too long later u will gian weigh instead of loosing it cuz ur body will only prodce fat

i suggest that u chomp through unless u want holes in your stomach

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Well, if you feel guilty drinking something, then that's a problem. 3 meal a day is undamaging. Seek help.

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you do own an eating disorder. you necessitate help. i have the same problem.

What could be wrong?

By the sounds of it you do enjoy an eating disorder. You necessitate to go discuss to somebody as soon as possible and stop yourself before you obtain out of controll.

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hun you need to verbs your * life put a bet on together cuz just doing that nvm put away food!

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you do have an drinking disorder because you feel guilty for drinking ,and your loseing weight general public see what you dont see. get lend a hand tell your mom surrounded by private how you feel im sure she will support you well brought-up luck!

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You dont want to go that route... Eating disorders are horrible! I've be there, and its only awful! Some of the things that make improving very rock-hard are the comments on the weight you've lost, because it feel good... And it become an addiction, once you lose your hunger completely, it takes a long time to come vertebrae... The guilt becomes over whelming to the point where on earth you will starve yourself for days and days and when you finally do eat it will just be an apple and it'll be because you passed out... You'll never have any enthusiasm... Your marks surrounded by school will drop... You'll become depressed... and it will individual get worse because not a soul else will understand what you are going through and only make comments and be rude and not conversant... Get help presently before it get any worse...

I hate how hollywood make eating disorders look glamourous because they arent...

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You might have an ingestion disorder. I have announcement one for many a masses years and I understand the anguish you are going through. There are several websites out there if you are looking for comfort. If you need you can e-mail me and conceivably I can help further. Please know that you are not alone.

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