Can you procure pegnant while using a condom?

If you have sex and use a condom on one of your fertle days or the day you are ovulating is it possible to catch pregnant if the condom has no holes at the front but your partner doesn't bring it out and can it leak out of the hindmost of the condom once it's in nearby and not taken out right away?

I know there is a posibilty but what do you regard the chances are?

And Is a guy suppose to withdrawl right beforehand he ejaculates next to a condom or is it ok to ejaculate inside witha condom and keep going for a minute or so after? This is pretty much what happen. So what is the chances of pregnancy?

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Condoms are generally simply about 85% potent at preventing pregnancy. This is with typical use.

With surefire use, they are about 98% efficient, but perfect use is nearly impossible to finish, because they are not transported in heat controlled trucks from the factory to stores, or in any other distribution, which greatly affects their usefulness, as they need to be stored at room warmth or the latex begins to break down (whether surrounded by colder or hotter weather).

When you're ovulating, and have unprotected sex, the probability of conceiving are about 20%, depending on you and your partner individual fertility levels (20% is an average underneath ideal circumstances).

It IS possible to become pregnant when using a condom, even when within are no visible holes, because sperm is microscopic, and can breed it through a hole you would not be able to see by lately examining the condom out of the package.

When you use a condom, and your partner ejaculate into it, he is supposed to withdraw his penis from you almost without delay, before he starts to be in motion soft. When he does this, he needs to be sure to grip the underside of the condom, so that it doesn't slip off when he is removing himself. This is so ejaculate fluid does not percolate from the back of the condom, which is a severely common mistake. Do NOT verbs to have sex if he have ejaculated inside the condom already, and do NOT reuse the condom.

If your partner did not put the condom on correctly by pinching the tip so that here was adequate room for the sperm to collect, this can also increase your chances of pregnancy through splash conception.

As for an actual number or percentage, I can't furnish that to you. Is there a break? Yes. Are you probably pregnant? No.

Tender breasts?

Of course you can.
Sperm are microscopic and can leak out. Condoms are not immaculate.

safest way is ejacul;ating after pulling out.

Does a guy love you when he requests to do lovemaking with you resembling everyday?

Very slim. I wouldn't worry.

Tampons beside a light flow?

Yes, it could develop. Odds are variable, depending on your age, his sperm, how various minutes after ejaculation he stayed in, all sorts of things. Bottom chain - yes, it could happen.

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I'm not sure the likelihood, and unless he cums A LOT or has a really short penis, consequently I doubt the semen will spill out of the back of the condom. Even if it does, the shutting down part of the condom shouldn't be inside of your vagina. Anyway, I figure out why you may be scared. It's importantly unlikely that that tiny amount of semen (if it spilled out the back of the condom) would generate you pregnant, but it is possible. Don't let it arise!

...I just looked at your responses to other ethnic group's questions. You told one personage you have two boys and you're contained by your twenties. How do you not know that you can get pregnant while using a condom? This give somebody the third degree just make it apparent that you don't know how to hold sex, yet you're describing people you hold two sons. That just confuses me.

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If the condom tears, and semen is introduced into your vagina, there is a particularly real break that pregnancy can occur. As economically, withdrawal of his penis formerly ejaculation is a risky and highly unreliable method of birth control. Sperm are present surrounded by a males urethra almost 100% of the time, and any coitus can result in impregnation. Also, while condoms are hugely valuable contained by preventing the transmission of STD's, they are not foolproof, and can, not infrequently come bad when having especially active sexual hum. My suggestion is for you to have a backup contraceptive you use contained by conjunction with the use of a condom. There are masses affective spermicides available, either as foams, or suppositories, and if the possibility of sexual activity is strong, prepare yourself next to one of them in finance of having sex. We adjectives know when we are feeling sexy. When you own those feelings, obtain out the norforms, or the spermicide of your choice, and make sure the condom fits the masculine securely. Happy non-pregnancy

Major embarrsement. lend a hand! [a grl question!!]?

omg! lol economically yah u prbly are cuz there suppossed to verbs out lol wel how old r u

Is it mundane that?

If the guy has not gone enough room at the tip of the condom in that is more of a chance that the condom will soak or even break when he ejaculates. Immediately after he ejaculate, he should hold the condom at the base of his penis and repeal, making sure not to spill the contents of the condom. Continuing on after he ejaculates is going to bring in it more likely that he will spill semen into your vagina.

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