E-coli found in vaginal culture?

Hello. I enjoy been hold problems with what I thought be yeast infections..Long story summed up real high-speed..the doctor took a culture and found out that I have e-coli bateria lerking in in attendance. She has me taking Keflax, 1 250mg pill four times a hours of daylight for a week in hopes that this will cure it. She said if it doesnt..next I have to carry an IV form of med. to knock it out of me.I was wondering if anyone ever have this happen to them beofre to know anything in the region of it? When I hear e-coli I think of person sick really sick and IV i think of hospital and it make me very stressed.I don't feel sick...and she told me not to verbs but I am..please help if you know anything,

What can I do?

E. Coli is commonly found in our stools. It's pretty often the justification we see women with it identified vaginally or as the causative microbes found when we have urinary tract infections. That is why is is best to wipe from front to support so that no stool can be transmitted to your vagina or into the urinary tract. Because the e.coli you have is located surrounded by your vagina, you're not @ risk for the kind that sends folks to the hospital. That usually happen when someone fails to purify their hands thoroughly after using the restroom and afterwards comes in contact near food that we're eating or one served. Since it enters afterwards, through our gastro intestinal tract, the symptoms are also gastrointestinal thus the reason some folks seize dehydrated and require hospitalization. Finish the Keflex and things should be final to normal soon. Take meticulousness.

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E. coli is normal for your rectum, but doesn't belong contained by your vagina.

Sounds like you may be wipe yourself back to front after a dump, when you should be wipe front to back. Easy, huh?

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