hiya i have bacterial vaginosis - after i have a miscarriage!
i have tried everything to get hold of rid of it !!
my doctor gave me metronidazole - still hold it
my doctor then give me the cream - still have it
what more can i nick ?
i then found out that i have something called a strep b strepacocci rotten the miscarriage which has be treated !
and i still have bacterial vaginosis - what can i do to capture rid of it its really getting me down !
i have be tested for everything including std's all come back clear - 4 times !
what can i do to attain rid of it plzzzzzzzz


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poor you, I've had matching. not miscarriage, but recurring BV. i took the antibiotics, but it only just came spinal column again.(your body can become immune to them after a while too). anyway, i actually freshly changed the way i shower! instead of using soaps or shower gel down here,(use it on the rest of your body obviously). soaps etc. just upsets the automatic PH balance of the vagina as its self cleansing apparently.or, i be told i could use aqueous cream.i just use plain hose down, and I've stopped using bubble bath.

also, I've started using a milder detergent and softener in my rinse out, and I've never had it again. this is over a year ago. contribute it a try. you never know.

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go rear and see your doctor again. If the cream and antibiotics haven't cleared it, they need to try something else.
my mothers remedy for thrush (candida?) be to apply internally live natural yoghurt.

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Antibiotics are the standard treatment for bacterial vaginosis. Metronidazole (Flagyl; MetroGel) and clindamycin (Cleocin; Clindesse) are the first-choice medication for treating bacterial vaginosis.

Vaginal antibiotics are as effective as oral antibiotics for treating bacterial vaginosis. Medications inserted into the vagina motivation fewer side effects than oral medication, although they can make you adjectives to vaginal yeast infection.

Some women have used Lactobacillus acidophilus within yogurt or supplements to treat bacterial vaginosis. However, researchers now know that dairy lactobacillus does not work for bacterial vaginosis. This is because dairy lactobacillus is not the compassionate of bacteria that usually lives in the vagina.

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one opportunity is a 2 pronged attack.

1) if you are not allergic to iodine Betadine pessaries twice daily for 2 weeks will sterilise the vagina.

2) After completion buy a pot of LIVE unprocessed yogurt. Dip a fresh tampon in this twice a morning and insert vaginally. This will hopefully reestablish normal vaginal flora, lactobacilli, this is like organism used to produce yogurt.

Discuss these possibilities with you GP.

What happen when you?

I'm a nurse and worked womens health. BV is cause by an imbalance within the pH of the vagina. There is an over-the-counter product called Rephresh that will restore conventional ph. This used to be available only by prescription. Try it. I'm surprised your Doctor didn't recommend it.

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