What are benefits/ disadvantages of having Nariyal Pani on a daily basis ?

I dont want answers telling benefits to pregnat ladies.

How can I gross 'plastic surgery,' a safer procedure, for me; when the time comes?

Tender coconut water is fitting and very use full
As a doctor i own recommended it to my patients - i have not see any recorded disadvantages - so i am mentioning the disadvantages or when not to use it - first - BUT IT DOES NOT REDUCE ITS BENEFICIAL EFFECT
1. I hold seen it increase the blood sugar in patients - who are hospitalised ( and not underneath my care i am homoeopath) - but contained by both cases - they where also on drips also but they get normal within 2 days of withdrawing tender coconut
2. If the tender coconut is not fresh it can increase - loose motion - so unsure fresh one not - older than 4 days.
3. Only hold 2 - or 3 tender coconut maximum - not more that 3 never if beginning solely one - if sick only one or half
this is exceedingly important
4.The effect of the hose down is cooling of body so ppl who are chilly in nature may capture or may feel discomfort if they start to help yourself to ( 1 in 500 or so not all)

Now coming to benefits

Good for feed infants suffering from intestinal disturbances.
Oral rehydration medium
Contains organic compounds possessing growth promoting properties
Keeps the body cool
Application on the body prevents prickly steam and summer boils and subsides the rashes cause by small pox, chicken pox, measles, etc.
Kills intestinal worms
Presence of saline and albumen makes it a obedient drink in cholera cases
Checks urinary infections.
Excellent tonic for the old and sick
Cures malnourishment.
Effective contained by the treatment of kidney and urethral stones
Can be injected intravenously in emergency case.
Found as blood plasma substitute because it is sterile, does not produce bake, does not destroy red blood cell and is readily accepted by the body.
Aids the immediate absorption of the drugs and make their peak concentration within the blood easier by its electrolytic effect.
Urinary antiseptic and eliminates poisons contained by case of mineral poisoning.
There are times when your body fill up with pitta-charged ama -visha (toxic matter). This cause the ph levels surrounded by the deeper digestive system to fall, governing to severe hyperacidity or amla pitta. That's when the coconut can step in to treat. Because it is anuloman in nature-capable of getting adjectives the toxins and Vata to move downward and helping to move pitta and purify the digestive system of it-tender coconut balances acerbic levels and cools the system. This make it superior to other herbs and fruits that can cool down pitta, but do not flush it out of the system.
Ayurveda considers coconut a inborn stress-buster.
Coconut cools sadhaka pitta, which is associated with emotion.
Combined with spices approaching cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves, cumin, coriander, and turmeric, coconut is not only appetizing and versatile, but also heal the digestive system and promotes better metabolism.
The juice of tender coconut have been billed "the world's safest inherent soft drink" for being a nutritious thirst-quencher.
Combined next to poppy seeds and ghee, coconut can oblige you sleep better! For the complete recipe, visit the recipe section.
Coconut have keshya properties -- that is, it improve hair ability. In Southern India, women apply coconut oil to their coat every day-which gives them long, lustrous locks.
Coconut is suitable for curing stomach disorders related to aggravation of pitta dosha.
Due to its soma-enhancing or nurturing value, coconut heal hot flashes and restores emotional stability contained by menopausal women.
Coconut improves the complexion. You can bring in coconut-based skin packs at home. The Council of Maharishi Ayurveda Physicians suggests mixing coconut grease with oatmeal powder and for a while bit of lavender flower powder to make a soothing facial pack.
A burning sensation in hand and feet is cooled down by drinking coconut water/milk. All you enjoy to do is make a bond of crushed middle aged coconut and apply it on hands and foot.
Coconut is traditionally considered a wound healer, especially effective at preventing the formation of scar if applied topically.
Hiccups due to pitta are also eased by coconut marine.
If you have urine retention from grill, then coconut sea helps. Similarly, liver problems, such as inflammation, are also soothed by drinking tender coconut marine.
There is a word called karshan objective "that which supports the body to stay slim by enhancing fat metabolism." Recent research suggests that coconut is apt for burning fat and lowering cholesterol- and it is clearly written in ayurveda that the grease has karshan properties.
Coconut help detoxify and flush toxins out of the body.
It is delicious!

Can we do sex?

hey i 2 donno if u carry 2 know den let me know


it cools the system...advantage
u put on shipment...disadvantage




The pill help please, i with the sole purpose have partially an hour to decide!?

Your digestion will be exceedingly good & if it is drunk by dissolving rock saline in it , no stone formation problem u will ever facade in your body within whole enthusiasm. There is no disadvantage I know , so far.

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