I've been getting this sticky white stuff in my underwhere. I'm 11 1/2, and I lately started getting it a month or so ago. ( I know all in the region of periods and stuff so don't speech to me like rather kid) I have pubic quill, and I wear a size b cup. I'm pretty much developed. [never had a interval before though]


I own asked this before on another picture, but I have some more details

* I can lone see it on dark colored underwhere
* It appears to be a clear juice at first then turns white as it dries.

Does this plan I'm gonna get my spell soon?

What can be wrong?

it could be a yeast infection or yes, you may be getting your period soon.

Is this really my spell? do i have it?

possibly. if it smells it could be a yeast infection.. more credible if you keep on showery swimsuits longer than needed fyi.

What does a women's orgasm look like?


Any perimenopausal women taking Cymbalta or own depression?

my opinion is that it is middle-of-the-road, i think you might attain your period soon, your vagina is starting to verbs itself out. i get the sticky white stuff on a usual starting place or when i was aroused.

I own my period 24/7?

Not really, all females own some sort of discharge. Discuss it with your mother and enjoy her take you to the doctor.

I own a puffy ** i want to know why?

yes. it happens to everybody back they get their spell. you will probably get your spell soon

I wanna know about period [girls only]?

Oh child, i think this is totally regular for a girl who is going to have a extent soon. I think you're becoming a superb miss.
Good luck .

My period ahhhhhhh give support to please?

its normal, don;t frenzy! But I can;t tell you any more as family will think it;s creepy. Is within an older girl u can confide surrounded by?

I suffer from pimples after shaving !!?

omg ew i had tht also! idk wut it be but im 1 now and it donsnt transpire any more

I finished my period but the splottting hasnt stopped?

i get my period after have that same kind of discharge so i would influence yours is coming. but trust me its not something to look forward too. i have mine in a minute and i feel bloated and ew..

Help! i hold a yeast infection and im 15?

yes sweetie it is discharge and you may get you term soon

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