Can we do sex?

can we do sex after 6 weeks of it devout for women or not ,

My inner labia is larger than normal.?

Nothing wrong as long as you are serene.

What is the connection betrween orgasm and squirting?

They speak 6 weeks is the official time you can start havig sex again, as long as you consistency no discomfort. Just go slow, resembling the first time all over again, and stop if it starts to hurt, and you should be merely fine!

How do girls masturbate?

It is actually a righteous idea to loaf for your check-up. Your doctor will tell you if it is ok or not. If you dont want to linger, just be carefull. Good luck!

Women or Doctors ONLY Please Breast Problems?


What do I do?

Use protection because your body is more prone to infection as capably as pregnancy. Becareful you are also very tender surrounded by the vaginal area.

How come she didn't bleed?

id loaf a while your body is going through weird change right now

If you rob a birth control pill and then throw up 30 minutes then because of the flu?

Wow. There are a lot of relations on here that have English language rules problems. You would ask "can we HAVE sex?"

If the mother had a commonplace, healthy nativity, without surgery or complications, it should probably be OK. If she have problems, or surgery, you need to ask the Dr.

If the mother is have hormonal or emotional reason that she does not want to have sex even so, that is something else entirely. It will be up to her when she is arranged in that overnight case.
Do remember she can become pregnant again at this point, so keep that contained by mind as well.

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