At around what age does a woman...?

start to lose her desire for sex? I do know it may very, but is within an aproximation? I am just curious as to when thay may ensue with me.

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Depending on hormone levels, horizontal of activity, and state of mind. Sex drive can be decrease by several things such as lack of heartiness, lack of interest, too much on the mind to stay in the mood, want of partners, and so much more. It vary from woman to woman. It has nil to do with age.

Iam 16 year manly with big breasts?

50 seem to be the age ive noticed women slow down a bit.

What are sighns my interval will start & what is the clear discharge in my undies?

When their vagina dries up.

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I think the elder they get , the more they want.

Ur time of year stops in sea?

Right around 60.

I am bleeding 2 weeks early and I am on the pill. Is this supposed to crop up?

Well I have hear the peak is 20 something for women and the down mound around 48..But hey we can all prove that wrong ,


If at hand is actually an age when this happen I so don't wanna know!!

What do they do at 14 year old physicals?

Some women own an increase in libido when they go through menopause within their 50s. So I don't think everyone does lose their desire for sex. It's probably different for everyone.

Why do women close to the V shape physique?

it depends on the woman and her state of mind and body.

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Women start to lose their desire/interest in sex after they've had a few children. It customarily comes back after the closing child moves out of the house. After they go through menopause, most women are horny as adjectives get out and want to screw as habitually as possible. They are usually a little dry vaginally, but lubrication make them wonderful, enthusiastic, and thankful.

What is womanly ejaculation?

the big 50

What is an orgasm>?

about 45-50.You can get menopause at any age not of late in your 50's.

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