Pain during sex? oblige!?

I have be haveing sex with my boyfriend for roughly speaking a year now. For the first 3 months, it be pain free. We could do numerous positions and be as blustery as we wanted. Then, one hours of darkness we had sex and it be the worst pain I own ever felt. It feel like he struck something, I even get diaherra. Since then, it is sore to have sex. It hurts pretty unpromising when he puts it in deeper or if we do sure postions.

I went to Plan Parent Hood. I took a PAPS experiment and an STD test and passed beside nothing wrong. The doctor said it is possible he is hitting my cervix--- but if that's true after why didn't it hurt when we had manic sex when we first dated?

HELP? any advice, concerns, or possible explinations would be willing.

thank you

Hey girls anyone using the birth control loestrin 24?

if you aren't aroused then it is easier for him to hit the cervix. it's credible you were reasonably aroused back surrounded by the first 3 months, that may have be the difference. also if the cervix is already irritated, then it requests a good time to alleviate and having more sex individual further irritates it.

Your cervix just requirements to rest to "heal". Sometimes it takes merely a day, other times a week. Be surrounded by touch with your body, if you are still hurting or it hurts when you first initiate to have sex consequently it is too soon to go at it again.

I own small lumps on them - is there something wrong?

You probably own an ovarian cyst.

Brown discharge with large temperature?

I'm sure he is hitting the cervix. That is soooo rough.. You have be with him for a year, bodies alter..grow, mature. Just don't consent to him go so thoughtful..Good Luck hun~

Strange pain within my abdomeni've never felt anything close to this before?

I've kinda gone through something similar myself. When I enjoy pain during intercourse near my boyfriend, it's usually right before my term. I don't know why, but it just does. Try waiting until after your cycle and try again.

I own all the symptoms..?

i have the same problem, i go and got a obstetrician to confer me an ultrasound and it turns out that my fallopian tubes are to low so when having intercourse (if to much deepness) i would quality pain. i get use to it but you should try an ultrasound first and see what the dr says, Good luck.

Tampon put somebody through the mill?

It could be that having hurt you during sex that you are not as relaxed anymore, which is why the things that be alright before are no longer comfortable? If so you necessitate to work out how you can work together, to make it more agreeable.
Could you be chronicly constipated? The bowel lies at the back of the vagina, and if its too full, it leaves smaller amount room for the penis, and that could explain the differences in the positions.
Have you had children/ difficult births? It could be you hold a partial prolapse. This is where the ligaments holding everything above the bladder loosen and they press down onto the vagina, reducing the room, and possibly cause pain when making love. If its not too bleak, pelvic floor exercises could help.
Could be a cyst on the ovaries, endometriosis, fibroids or something totally different.
But in all if you are experiencing twinge during love making, go to your OBGYN, for a thorough check up.

A sign that you are just about to get your interval?

This happend to me, I found that with more and more sex, even beside long breaks the semen was causeing a sever irritation to my cervix, some times even causeing it to bleed, and next the contact of the penis to it was causeing even more sever irritation, sending me into extream stomach-ache and yes diarrhea also... I suggest a douch every 3 days, depending on how often you own sex, and even wearing a condom all the time, and If you enjoy always used one, I suggest trying to stay away from the deeper positions, or perchance it is some kind of lubracant that may be causeing irritation... trial and error is adjectives you can do... I found condoms and a more shallow possition has help me keep the throbbing away. Good luck and I hope it helped.

Is it critical to go to a doctor?

you may enjoy some type of vaginal infection.

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