Hey girls anyone using the birth control loestrin 24?

I've been on loestrin 24 for in the order of six months now ( the birth control next to the shorter three day periods) and my periods are still remaining about five days and the week back my period starts my hormones are unbridled! i was wondering if anyone be having problems beside this birth control or if you have any suggestions because i'm thinkin give or take a few changing!

Is your cranium suppose to hurt when you have your time of year?

you said you were perscribed Low estrin 24 around six months ago? I am quice surprised that your ob/gyn doctor didn't monitor you more closely. Usually when woman are perscribed birth control, the doctor asks them to follow up with them within about 3 months. You should newly call you doctor because the longer you dawdle, the longer you will have the problem the the birth control. Doctors want their patients to appointment them if they are having trouble beside any perscription. Tell the doctor what is happening because specifically why they are here to help family's lives be easier. It may take 3 or 4 weeks to go and get an appointment with a doctor, but craft the appointment.

When your abroad?

Well they work differently for everybody. I have the same problem, you should really switch!

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